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Plan of existing Heritage Hut
May 2018 planning application with permission granted
April 2019 Planning application for additional porch
June 2019 Revised planning application
Design and access statement
12.06.2019 . To : East Suffolk Council Fao: Iain Robertson
Ref: DC/19/1584/FUL
Dear Mr Iain Robertson,
My client, the Walberswick Common Lands Charity, have considered the various objections to the above application and now wish to revise their proposal in accordance with the amended floor plans DRG 7B & elevations 6B, also attached is a pictorial representation .
Please can the revised /amended plans together with the revised site block plan and representation – all dated 12.06.2019 be substituted for the plans previously submitted and displayed on the Planning Portal.
Please note the three main amendments to the Planning application :
1: The ramp now points in the opposite direction and therefore
does not affect the trade at of the - Sardine Tin next door.
2: The entrance doors to the HH now open inward and consequently it has been possible to reduce the size of the entre platform .
3: The roof overhang at the front of the porch has been removed in order to reduce the visual impact and enhance the aesthetic appearance.
The vision of the Trustees of Walberswick Common Lands Charity is to bring the Heritage Hut back to life and make it the hub of our community. This is not just a storage facility for the Walberswick Scroll and records of the history society but to enable the Heritage Hut to become
A `working building ́in which Clerks,Councillors,Trustees,Archivists and researchers can work, at the same level of comfort as if they were in an office.
A comfortable meeting place for the users ́committee meetings and also public meetings A centre for the display of Village focussed arts,crafts and exhibitions.
An educational facility for children and adults.
In order to achieve the vision in above, it is necessary to bring the building as close as possible to contemporary standards of thermal efficiency. That means insulate the roof, and installing secondary glazing (internal) to the windows and also installing heating and humidity control in the building. The proposed porch would have a huge impact on energy consumption and the comfort .
The objective of the Trustees is to preserve both Yew trees , albeit cut back to avoid damaging the building and to allow maintenance. The intention is that the porch foundations would be built on concrete pillars below the ground level with a facing brick edging to match the existing foundations , this way the tree roots will not be damaged.
In Walberswick we have a community with a greater than average number of elderly and infirm residents. Aside from a general duty to make public spaces accesible to people with limited mobility, the Trustees feel that they should make the HH as inclusive as possible to the community by providing easy access for the infirm and those in wheelchairs. Hence the access ramp and platform. The rationale for the porch is that provides a draught excluder.
Imagine a public meeting or a exhibition in the winter months when multiple people are coming in & out of the building, the draughts would quicly take away the heat from inside and make it uncomfortable/unpopular for users .
I believe the changes to the Planning application address the objections that have been lodged.
Yours faithfully , Project Manager- Ahti Virkkunen. AV-Construction.
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East Suffolk District Council website has all available plans and comments.
Permission granted 14th April 2020
Final application drawings