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Site Description Application no.
Expiry date and 

Determination date 2024

Greyroof, Millfield

Trees in garden curtilage of Grey Roof, Millfield Road, Walberswick. T1 Monterey Cypress - Fell; oversized, declining defects, potentially dangerous. Mature replacement to be provided. T2 Silver Birch - Fell, nearing end of life. Mature replacement to be provided. T3 Silver Birch - Fell, nearing end of life, interfering with overhead cables. Further justification and photos provided in accompanying document and site plan. 

DC/24/2938/TCA 9th September; 25th September
Saltlick, Leveretts Lane

1no. Yew and 1no. Laurel (marked on plan) - Fell - 

DC/24/2864/TCA 6th September; 23rd September
Poplar Cottage, The Green

no. Beech (marked on plan) - Overall crown reduction by 1.5 metres 

DC/24/2865/TCA 4th September; 23rd September
Millside, The Street

Patio in rear garden. 

DC/24/2745/FUL  5th September; 7th October
Lane Corner, Palmers Lane

Erection of new 2x3m timber clad shed

 DC/24/2713/FUL  29th August; 20th September

Consultation - Review and approval, under regulation 77 of the Habitat regulations, of the Onshore Ground Investigation Works HRA and SSSI Assessment Reports - LionLink Scheme Walberswick And Reydon Suffolk

DC/24/2714/CON 19th August; 19th August
The Pink House, Seven Acres Lane (formerly Box Bush)

Discharge of Condition No 4 of DC/24/0416/LBC - Listed Building Consent - New dormer window, alterations to fenestration and internal layout, general repairs to existing fabric and insulation on external walls and roof - Full details of the porch and full details of the new fenestration 

DC/24/2580/DRC 14th August; 10th September
The Pink House, Seven Acres (formerly Box Bush)

Discharge of Condition No. 5 of DC/24/0415/FUL - New dormer window, alterations to fenestration and internal layout, general repairs to existing fabric and insulation on external walls and roof - 2. Full details of the porch and full details of the new fenestration 

DC/24/2566/DRC 12th August; 9th September
Pebbles, The Lea

Extend Bedroom 3 to the existing rear line of the sun room. Extend Bedroom 3 and the kitchen to the side by 1.6m leaving a 0.9m gap between extension and neighbouring boundary. Existing bedroom ridge to be extended to the rear line with a shallower pitch to extend to the side to maintain the neighbour's right to light. - Pebbles The Lea Walberswick Southwold Suffolk IP18 6TR

DC/24/2334/FUL 1st August; 21st August
Longshore, The Street

Relocation of current single garage new cart shed; workshop & garden studio PV panels cart shed roof. - 

DC/24/2031/FUL 11th July; 6th August
Herons, Church Field

Replace existing dwelling with new sustainable dwelling and landscaped gardens 

DC/24/1242/FUL 22nd Mary; 29th May