The blue description links to the East Suffolk website where you can see all the documents currently available.


Site Description Application no.
Expiry date and 

Determination date 2024

Millside, The Street

Patio in rear garden. 

DC/24/2745/FUL  5th September; 7th October

Consultation - Review and approval, under regulation 77 of the Habitat regulations, of the Onshore Ground Investigation Works HRA and SSSI Assessment Reports - LionLink Scheme Walberswick And Reydon Suffolk

DC/24/2714/CON 19th August; 19th August
Longshore, The Street

Relocation of current single garage new cart shed; workshop & garden studio PV panels cart shed roof. - 

DC/24/2031/FUL 11th July; 6th August
Herons, Church Field

Replace existing dwelling with new sustainable dwelling and landscaped gardens 

DC/24/1242/FUL 22nd May; 29th May; 3rd October;