Site |
Description |
Application number |
Determination |
Pebbles, The Lea |
Single storey lean-to extension for bedroom and ensuite to the side and rear of the existing house -
DC/24/4314/FUL |
Permitted |
The Drift, 1 Moorside |
Installation of 2x Mitsubishi PUZ-WZ60VAA-BS Air Source Heat Pumps
DC/24/3928/FUL |
Permitted |
Telephone Box, The Green |
Consultation - Removal of Payphone
DC/24/4284/CON |
No objections |
Ferry House/Taystone, Ferry Road |
1no. Holm Oak (T1 on plan) - Reduce to pollard points, approximately 60cm of regrowth 1no. Purple Prunus (T2 on plan) - Reduce by 1 metre 1no. Bay (T3 on plan) - Reduce approximately three years of growth
DC/24/4298/TCA |
No objections |
Box Bush, Seven Acres |
Variation of Condition No. 2 of DC/24/0415/FUL - New dormer window, alterations to fenestration and internal layout, general repairs to existing fabric and insulation on external walls and roof. - To alter the design of the new dormer
DC/24/3796/VOC |
Withdrawn |
Admiral House, The Street |
Variation of Condition No's 1, 3, 5 and 6 of DC/22/4246/FUL - Outdoor swimming pool & retrospective fencing - Implement a smaller pool and relocate to a new position, provide a Written Scheme of Investigation, proposed inverter heat pump and filtration pump and details on proposed plant room -
DC/24/3370/VOC |
Permitted |
Long Roof, Leveretts Lane |
Variation of Condition No.2 of DC/24/0671/FUL - Client request to reduce the size of the proposed extension. To substitute approved drawing numbers 6486-1, 6486-2A for 6486-4, 6486-5 and 6486-6
DC/24/3186/VOC |
Permitted |
June Cottage |
1no. Macrocarpa (Tree on plan) - Remove weakened branches on South and North, fell remaining tree if deemed unsafe by Arborist.
DC/24/3697/TCA |
No objections |
Longshore, The Street |
1no. Poplar (Tree 1 on plan) - Remove lower limb on driveway side 1no. Poplar (Tree 2 on plan) - Remove fallen branch on neighbours garden side
DC/24/3482/TCA |
No objections |
LionLink |
Consultation - Review and approval, under regulation 77 of the Habitat regulations, of the Onshore Ground Investigation Works HRA and SSSI Assessment Reports - LionLink Scheme Walberswick And Reydon Suffolk
DC/24/2714/CON |
Permitted |
Lorne Cottages |
Demolition of an existing part single / part two-storey rear extension and its replacement through the erection of a two-storey rear extension
DC/24/3069/FUL |
Permitted |
Longshore, The Street |
Relocation of current single garage; erection of new cart shed; workshop & garden studio; with PV panels on cart shed roof
DC/24/2031/FUL |
Permitted |
Millside, The Street |
Patio in rear garden.
DC/24/2745/FUL |
Permitted |
Greyroof, Millfield |
Trees in garden curtilage of Grey Roof, Millfield Road, Walberswick. T1 Monterey Cypress - Fell; oversized, declining defects, potentially dangerous. Mature replacement to be provided. T2 Silver Birch - Fell, nearing end of life. Mature replacement to be provided. T3 Silver Birch - Fell, nearing end of life, interfering with overhead cables. Further justification and photos provided in accompanying document and site plan.
DC/24/2938/TCA |
No objections |
Lane Corner, Palmers Lane |
Erection of new 2x3m timber clad shed
DC/24/2713/FUL |
Permitted |
Pebbles, The Lea |
Extend Bedroom 3 to the existing rear line of the sun room. Extend Bedroom 3 and the kitchen to the side by 1.6m leaving a 0.9m gap between extension and neighbouring boundary. Existing bedroom ridge to be extended to the rear line with a shallower pitch to extend to the side to maintain the neighbour's right to light.
DC/24/2334/FUL |
Permitted |
Poplar Cottage, The Green |
1no. Beech (marked on plan) - Overall crown reduction by 1.5 metres
DC/24/2865/TCA |
No objections |
Saltlick, Leveretts Lane |
1no. Yew and 1no. Laurel (marked on plan) - Fell
DC/24/2864/TCA |
No objections |
The Pink House (Box Bush), Seven Acres |
Discharge of Condition No. 5 of DC/24/0415/FUL - New dormer window, alterations to fenestration and internal layout, general repairs to existing fabric and insulation on external walls and roof
DC/24/2566/DRC |
Permitted |
The Pink House (Box Bush), Seven Acres |
Discharge of Condition No. 4 of DC/24/0416/LBC - Listed Building Consent - New dormer window, alterations to fenestration and internal layout, general repairs to existing fabric and insulation on external walls and roof.
DC/24/2580/DRC |
Permitted |
Shorelands, Palmers Lane |
Alterations to DC/22/4893/FUL to include air source heat pumps, replacement oil tank, wood-burner flue to the existing house, roof light to the existing house, and outbuilding with flue
DC/24/1935/FUL |
Permitted |
Millcroft, Millfield Rd. |
2no. Holm oak (marked on plan) - Crown reduction by 1 metre
DC/24/2356/TCA |
No objections |
Ferry Hut, Southwold Harbour, Walberswick side. |
Front extension, decking, flue and velux windows
DC/24/1113/FUL |
Permitted |
Byways, Stocks Lane |
Variation of Condition(s) 2 of Planning Permission DC/22/4128/FUL - Demolition of dormer bungalow and erection of 2 no. passive house dwellings
DC/24/0430/VOC |
Permitted |
Rippleway, Millfield |
1no. Norway maple (marked on plan) - Fell |
DC/24/1961/TCA |
Withdrawn |
Saltlick, Leveretts Lane |
Construction of outbuilding with log store to house proposed air source heat pump, garden WC, sink and store |
DC/24/1658/FUL |
Permitted |
Cornelian, Leveretts Lane |
Demolition of 1.5 storey studio and replacement with 1 storey studio on different footprint. Garage extension and garden room. New brick and flint shed. Associated garden works including relocation of existing summerhouse |
DC/24/1612/FUL |
Permitted |
Greengates, The Street |
External alterations include; reconfiguration of the front driveway to improve visibility splays, reconfiguration of the front porch and front elevation, single storey rear extension to form a Utility, single storey extension to increase dining area, extend second floor bedroom above 'Tower' with new roof over, install roof lights and lantern light to increase natural light internally, and expose original decorative details. |
DC/24/0486/FUL |
Permitted |
Nightingales, Church Field |
Rear & side extension, PV panels on West roof face, roof lights, alterations to PV panels South roof face, materials.
DC/24/1585/FUL |
Permitted |
Shorelands, Palmers Lane |
Non Material Amendment to DC/22/4893/FUL - Demolition of existing cartlodge with room over. Erection of extension to south of dwelling comprising living and bedroom accommodation for annexe accommodation. Erection of detached single storey garden building comprising swimming pool and leisure area also comprising Air source heat pump unit. Erection of detached single storey store building. Installation of photovoltaic panels to roof areas - Reduction in size of annexe plant room allowing inclusion of small frosted window, slight adjustment to roof lights x4, Centring of French doors and roof lights x2 above, slight position adjustment to 2x flues, ASHP position, outdoor sink position and 3x storeroom doors.
DC/24/1936/AME |
Permitted |
Longwood, Churchfield |
Construction of a 2-bay Cart Lodge
DC/24/0555/FUL |
Permitted |
The Old Rectory, The Street |
3no. Mirabelle plum (marked on plan) - Crown reduction by up to 2 metres
DC/24/1310/TCA |
No objections |
Millside, The Street |
Replacement windows and doors
DC/24/1164/FUL |
Permitted |
Box Bush, Seven Acres Lane |
Listed Building Consent - New dormer window, alterations to fenestration and internal layout, general repairs to existing fabric and insulation on external walls and roof.
DC/24/0416/LBC |
Permitted |
Box Bush, Seven Acres Lane |
New dormer window, alterations to fenestration and internal layout, general repairs to existing fabric and insulation on external walls and roof.
DC/24/0415/FUL |
Permitted |
The Yacht Yard, Southwold Harbour |
External balcony.
DC/24/0675/FUL |
Permitted |
Shorelands, Palmers Lane |
Discharge of Condition No. 6 of DC/22/4893/FUL - Demolition of existing cartlodge with room over. Erection of extension to south of dwelling comprising living and bedroom accommodation for annexe accommodation. Erection of detached single storey garden building comprising swimming pool and leisure area also comprising Air source heat pump unit. Erection of detached single storey store building. Installation of photovoltaic panels to roof areas. - Site Investigation and post investigation assessment.
DC/24/0758/DRC |
Permitted |
Long Roof, Leveretts Lane. |
First floor alterations and extensions
DC/24/0671/FUL |
Permitted |
The Boat House, Southwold Harbour |
External fire escape staircase.
DC/24/0601/FUL |
Permitted |
Millside, The Street |
Non Material Amendment of DC/23/2450/FUL - Single storey rear extension, rebuild of side extension, new parking - Changes to proposed windows |
DC/24/0825/AME |
Refused |
Greyroof, Millfield |
Alterations and additions to main house, construction of replacement garden cottage. |
DC/23/4848/FUL |
Permitted |
Thrums, Seven Acres Lane |
Discharge of Condition Nos. 9 and 11 of DC/23/1610/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of replacement house with associated landscaping - Construction Management Plan - Natural England Licence.
DC/24/0615/DRC |
Permitted |
Mulberry House, Millfield |
Removal of existing hedge to front boundary which consists mainly of Ivy and is thinning / dying. Installation of a Continuous Willow Fence of similar dimensions to existing hedge. By Brampton Willows - This will be 1.8m in height at it's tallest and 1.5m at it's lowest, set back from the adjacent road by 2m. There will be no negative impact to sight lines, visibility, or light in neighbouring properties. |
DC/23/4447/FUL |
Permitted |
Ferry Hut, Southwold Harbour, Walberswick Side |
Certificate of Lawful Use (Existing) - Continued use of building known as Ferry Hut as a Dwelling
DC/23/3165/CLE |
Permitted |
Leveretts, The Street |
1no. Birch (T1 on plan) - Fell
DC/24/0341/TCA |
No objections |
Blythwyc Cottage, The Street |
Erect Cart Shed to the West of Annex
DC/24/0184/FUL |
Withdrawn |
West Wood, Lodge Road |
(T1) Cedar - Fell (T2) Beech - 20% crown reduction (T3) Cedar - Fell (T4) Corsican pine - Crown lift |
DC/23/4861/TCA |
No objections |
Rosemary Cottage, The Street |
Construction of a single storey home office and store |
DC/23/4623/FUL |
Permitted |
Wayland Cottage, The Street |
Discharge of Condition Nos. 8, 10 and 13 of DC/22/1189/FUL - Construction of new sustainable dwelling and modified access - Landscape design provided, Drawings, specifications, photos provided and Construction Method Statement.
DC/23/3782/DRC |
Permitted |
Briar Cottage, The Green |
Installation of double glazing. Removal and replacement of existing shed in rear garden. Removal of existing conservatory. Removal and replacement of oil tank
DC/23/4456/FUL |
Permitted |
Shorelands, Palmers Lane |
Discharge of Condition 5 of DC/22/4893/FUL - Demolition of existing cartlodge with room over. Erection of extension to south of dwelling comprising living and bedroom accommodation for annexe accommodation. Erection of detached single storey garden building comprising swimming pool and leisure area also comprising Air source heat pump unit. Erection of detached single storey store building. Installation of photovoltaic panels to roof areas - Programme of archaeological work -
DC/24/0151/DRC |
Permitted |
Pebbles, The Lea |
Extension to existing sun room at rear of property. Replace existing shed to the side of the property with a shed on a larger footprint. New bin storage area at front of property. New velux windows in Bedroom 3. New solar panels on sun room flat roof. New windows and door to front elevation |
DC/23/4319/FUL |
Permitted |
Dutch House, The Street |
Variation of Condition 2 of DC/23/2256/FUL - (Proposed shed and fence. paving. PV panels on west face of annexe roof. Materials.) - To move shed to the south and give additional space to protect trees change part of fence. |
DC/23/4616/VOC |
Permitted |
Dutch House, The Street |
Non material amendment to DC/22/1018/FUL - Demolish utility room and rebuild, extend shower room, demolish part of annex and rebuild, with elevation changes and materials - Enclose two sides of open annex to form sauna and yoga area. |
DC/23/4617/AME |
Permitted |
Seacroft, Millfield |
Part demolition, refurbishment and extension of an existing single family home. |
DC/23/3115/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Adams Lane |
Re-establish a driveway/access point to the property 1 Adams Lane from the street - B1387. |
DC/23/3527/FUL |
Permitted |
Manor Lodge, The Street |
G1 - Birch - in the boarder of the garden - remove as part of a re-design of the garden T2 - Prunus - in the boarder of the garden - remove as part of a garden redesign Please note this property is also used as a holiday let. |
DC/23/4596/TCA |
No objections |
The Net Studio, Ferry Road |
Certificate of Lawfulness |
DC/23/3861/CLE |
Permitted |
Thrums, Seven Acres Lane |
Discharge of Condition No. 5 of DC/23/1610/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of replacement house with associated landscaping - Solar PV; external lighting |
DC/23/4700/DRC |
Permitted |
The House on the Green |
Replace sloping roof with pitch roof
DC/23/4202/FUL |
Permitted |
Threeways, The Street |
2no. Holm oak (marked on plan) - Pollard at 4 metres above ground 1no. Cherry plum (marked on plan) - Fell dead tree |
No objections |
Byeways, Stocks Lane
Non Material Amendment to DC/22/4128/FUL - Demolition of dormer bungalow and erection of 2 no. passive house dwellings - Addition of x3 no roof windows to west elevation. First floor bedroom 03 window to south elevation changed from a window to Juliet balcony.
DC/23/4272/AME |
Withdrawn |
Byeways, Stocks Lane |
Discharge of Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, and 14 of DC/22/4128/FUL |
Permitted |
Box Bush, Seven Acres Lane |
Removing modern glass conservatory on south elevation and make kitchen window into double doors to garden. Extending clay peg tile roof on north elevation and adding leaded window dormer on the second floor.
DC/23/2257/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Longwood, Church Field |
Front extension including accommodation and garden store on the footprint of the existing garage and shed, replacement porch, associated landscaping and driveway access and upgrading the thermal performance of the whole property.
DC/23/3765/FUL |
Permitted |
Crestholme, The Lea |
1no. Conifer (marked on plan) - Overall crown reduction by up to 2 metres
DC/23/4064/TCA |
No objections |
Bell Haven Cottage, Ferry Road |
1no. Silver birch (yellow circle on plan) - Crown reduce by up to 1.5 metres This is maintenance pruning to keep the tree at a suitable size for its position.
DC/23/3631/TCA |
No objections |
14 Manor Close |
To provide new accommodation within existing loft space, including new access staircase from ground floor.
Permitted |
Toby Cottage, Leveretts Lane |
Renovation of existing house and annexe wing. New link extension between annexe and house. Rebuilding of existing kitchen extension. |
DC/23/2369/FUL |
Permitted |
Thrums, Seven Acres |
Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of replacement house with associated landscaping |
DC/23/1610/FUL |
Permitted |
Lane Corner, Palmers Lane. |
Single storey side extension to existing house, PV panels to south and west elevations, replacement double glazed windows to match existing Critall windows and replacement weatherboarding to 1st floor. New single storey, flat roofed garden room.
DC/23/2687/FUL |
Permitted |
Millside, The Street |
Single storey rear extension, rebuild of side extension, new parking
DC/23/2450/FUL |
Permitted |
The Anchor, The Street |
PV Panels - parapet flat roofing PH rear.
DC/23/2816/FUL |
Permitted |
Leveretts, The Street |
First floor extension |
DC/23/2518/FUL |
Permitted |
Shorelands, Palmers Lane |
Demolition of existing cartlodge with room over. Erection of room in roof extension to south of dwelling comprising living and bedroom accommodation over. Erection of detached single storey garden building comprising swimming pool and leisure area also comprising Air source heat pump unit. Erection of detached single storey store building. Installation of photovoltaic panels to roof areas. |
DC/22/4893/FUL |
Permitted |
The Annexe, Manor House, The Street |
Retrospective Application - Let out the annexe for holiday let
DC/22/3802/FUL |
Permitted |
Dutch House, The Street |
Proposed shed and fence. paving. PV panels on west face of annexe roof. Materials.
DC/23/2256/FUL |
Permitted |
Long Roof, Leveretts Lane |
Single Storey Sitting Room Extension
DC/23/1996/FUL |
Permitted |
Village Hall, The Street |
Re-surfacing of part of Village Hall car park.
DC/23/1423/FUL |
Permitted |
Saltlick, Leveretts Lane |
1no. Plum (marked on plan) - Crown reduce by up to 1.5 metres
DC/23/1205/TCA |
No objections |
Half Acre, Church Field |
Rear single storey extension with internal alterations and replacement windows. |
DC/23/0923/FUL |
Permitted |
Manor Lodge, The Street |
1no. Cherry (T1 on plan) - Fell 1no. Birch (T2 on plan) - Fell
DC/23/0796/TCA |
No objections |
Byways, Stocks Lane |
Demolition of dormer bungalow and erection of 2 no. passive house dwellings
DC/22/4128/FUL |
Permitted |
Admiral House, The Street |
Outdoor swimming pool & retrospective fencing.
DC/22/4246/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Valley Farm, Ferry Rd |
Discharge of Condition No. 6 of DC/22/1919/FUL - 1. Cabin to replace derelict greenhouse. 2. Replacement fence - manufacturers specifications, including the colour - green selected
DC/23/0236/DRC |
Permitted |
Village Hall |
3no. Silver birch (marked red, blue and pink on image 0205) - Crown reduce by up to 2 metres 1no. Silver birch (marked yellow on image 0205) - Crown reduce by up to 0.5 metres 3no. Sycamore (marked on plan) - Crown reduce by up to 3 metres
DC/23/0205/TCA |
No objections |
Garland, Lodge Road |
Replace the summerhouse which has been granted on DC/19/4812/FUL with a smaller new summerhouse/home office with extra pitched roof rather than lean to roof.
DC/22/2539/FUL |
Permitted |
Rosemary Cottage, The Street |
Construction of a single storey home office and store
DC/22/4271/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Shrublands, The Street |
5no. Macrocarpa (marked on plan) - Crown lift to 3 metres above ground
DC/22/4795/TCA |
No objections |
Wayland Cottage, The Street |
Construction of new sustainable dwelling and modified access
DC/22/1189/FUL |
Permitted |
Taystone, Ferry Road |
1no. Holm oak (marked on plan) - Crown reduce to previous points, approximately 30% |
DC/22/4741/TCA |
No objections |
Blinkers, Seven Acres Lane |
Discharge of Conditions 6, 9 & 10 of DC/21/5112/FUL - (Replacement Dwelling) |
DC/22/4570/DRC |
Permitted |
2 Anchor Cottages, The Street |
Discharge of Condition 3 & 6 of DC/21/0487/FUL - Demolitions, alterations and additions - External materials & Hedge temporary fencing
DC/22/4219/DRC |
Permitted |
Longwood, Churchfield |
Alterations and extensions |
DC/22/4176/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Anchorlea, The Street |
1no. Group of 4 Sycamore (marked on plan) - Crown lift by 1 metre and Crown thin by 20% 1no. Conifer (T5 on plan) - Fell 1no. Holly (T6 on plan) - Lateral reduction to boundary line |
DC/22/3959/TCA |
No objections |
Orchard House, The Street |
1no. Eucalyptus (T1 on plan) - Fell |
DC/22/3960/TCA |
No objections |
The Old Methodist Church, The Street |
1no. Pine (marked on plan) - Fell |
DC/22/3634/TCA |
No objections |
Creek Cottage, Hidden Lane |
Change the position of a dormer window from the north elevation overlooking neighbouring properties, to the south elevation to enable more space and access on the ground floor for the stairs. |
DC/22/3653/FUL |
Permitted |
The Thatched Cottage, The Street |
1. Change from wooden slated fence to cobble wall. To replace old gate with new but same design - five bar & side gate in oak 2. Velux in roof to allow light. The window would be in the landing area of the upstairs
DC/22/2417/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Valley Farm, Ferry Road |
1. Cabin to replace derelict greenhouse. 2. Replacement fence |
DC/22/1919/FUL |
permitted |
Saltlick, Leveretts Lane |
Variation of Condition No.2 of DC/20/3631/VOC - Variation of Condition No.2 of DC/20/1573/FUL -Alterations and renovation of existing house and construction of single storey extension with mezzanine level to the east. Demolition of West facing entrance lobby, WC and Shower. North facing first floor bathroom and WC, North facing ground floor log store. East facing first floor bathroom dormer, Boiler roof. Drawing room garden doors and roof over - We wish to omit the loft conversion from the project and have altered the drawings accordingly so there is no new access. The existing loft hatches will be retained and the loft space will continue to be used for storage only - Introduce three dormer windows to serve two proposed loft bedrooms & reduce the size of one new north facing window in bedroom 3. |
DC/22/2343/VOC |
permitted |
Longwood, Churchfield |
Single storey alterations and extensions to bungalow to improve accommodation |
DC/22/1776/FUL |
Withdrawn |
1 Valley Farm |
Listed Building Consent - 1. Cabin to replace derelict greenhouse 2. Replacement fence |
DC/22/1920/LBC |
Withdrawn |
Hedgeley, The Green |
The extensions include a two-storey element on the northern elevation, a single storey extension to the east and a balcony and pergola to the south.
DC/22/2321/FUL |
Permitted |
Dutch House, The Street |
Demolish utility room and rebuild, extend shower room, demolish part of annex and rebuild, with elevation changes and materials
DC/22/1018/FUL |
Permitted |
Shrublands, The Street |
1no. Group of Macrocarpa (marked X on plan) Crown lift to 5 metres above ground
DC/22/1992/TCA |
No objections |
Mariners, Ferry Road |
Demolition of Existing Rear Extension and Outbuilding; Erection of replacement single storey rear extension and outbuilding; fenestration alterations including the replacement of a rear window with a door and associated works. - Mariners Ferry Road
DC/22/1616/FUL |
Permitted |
Seacroft, Millfield Road |
Tree 1: 1no. Aspen Poplar, 30% crown reduction. The tree is causing excessive shading. Tree 2: 1no. Ailanthus, 30% crown reduction. The tree is causing excessive shading and is in need of a crown balance. Tree 3: 1no. Silver Birch, 20% crown reduction. The tree causes shading and is in need of a crown balance. Tree 4: 1no. mature Beech tree, 30% crown reduction. The tree is causing excessive shading. Tree 5: 1no. Red Oak, 30% crown reduction, the tree is causing excessive shading. Tree 6: 1no. Holm Oak, 30% crown reduction, the tree causes excessive shading. Tree 7: 1no.Holm Oak, 30% crown reduction, the tree is causing excessive shading.
DC/21/4657/TCA |
No objections |
Cornelian, Leveretts Lane |
Remove 9 Corsican pine. The trees are close to an area my client is hoping to build a garden studio. My client will be replanting once any building work has been agreed |
DC/22/1510/TCA |
Paules Fenn, The Street |
Upgrading the external walls with external insulation and render, relaying and upgrading the roofs with additional insulation, demolition of existing chimneys, extension of the living areas on the garden side, extension of the bedroom wing on the street elevation, and construction of a new upper storey. Amended plans and documents |
DC/22/3496/FUL |
Permitted |
Stocks Wood, Stocks Lane |
Install a replacement Radio Antenna. Location: Rear garden - Stockswood.
DC/22/0852/FUL |
Permitted |
Vine Cottage, The Green |
To convert existing garage, currently used for storage, into a dining room. Replacing existing garage door with french doors to match existing.
DC/22/0014/FUL |
Permitted |
Vine Cottage, The Green |
Lawson Cypress (T1) approximately 6m high and within a metre (80cm) of boundary house wall. Removal as of low amenity value (was planted as hedging in order to hide neighbours wall).
DC/22/1202/TCA |
No Objections |
Sea Green Cottage, The Green |
Retrospective Application - To replace the existing, unsafe picket fence surrounding the roof terrace with a frameless, toughened glass screen. Low level and clear to the front and higher and opaque to the rear and side to address neighbours' privacy concerns. |
DC/22/0327/FUL |
Permitted |
Orchard Piece, Lodge Road |
Planning Appeal: Rear side and front extension and erection of detached garage and store |
AP/21/0033/REFUSE |
Allowed |
Bittern House, Millfield |
1 x Aesculus hippocastanum (Diseased) 1 x Acer cultivar (Lopsided growth) 1 x Acer pseudoplatanus (uneven growth) We would like to remove the above trees to make room for the planting of 3 - 5 semi mature bio secure trees that would be more suitable for the coastal setting.
DC/22/0764/TCA |
No objections |
Kermont, The Street |
Demolition of existing enclosed porch and replacement with an open porch on similar footprint.
DC/22/0356/FUL |
Permitted |
2 Manor Close
Construction of outbuilding to be used for purposes incidental to the dwelling house.
DC/21/5281/FUL |
Permitted |
Sole Bay House, The Street |
Minor alterations and additions (single storey) to the west side of Sole Bay House.
DC/22/0325/FUL |
Permitted |
The Anchor PH, The Street |
PV Panels to: 1. Parapet flat roofing east dining area, 2. Lodge units A & B, 3. The Piggery, 4. Retrospective approval 2no PV Panels to west dining area
DC/21/5581/FUL |
Permitted |
Longroof, Leveretts Lane |
Single storey rear lobby extension |
/DC/22/0091/FUL |
Permitted |
Bell Cottage, Ferry Road |
Extension of existing study
DC/21/5306/LBC |
Permitted |
Bell Cottage, Ferry Road |
Extension of existing study
DC/21/5305/FUL |
Permitted |
Mill Cottage, The Street |
Refurbishment and extension to existing store / workshop to form studio / workshop - Mill Cottage The Street
DC/21/4777/FUL |
Permitted |
Blinkers, Seven Acres Lane |
Replacement Dwelling
DC/21/5112/FUL |
Permitted |
The Parish Lanter, The Green |
Variation of Condition No. 2 of DC/20/1341/FUL - Works include demolition of single storey extension to rear of listed building and erection of replacement single storey extension with roof terrace above. Conversion of first floor and attic of listed building to single flat/maisonette. Enlargement of 2 No. dormers and insertion of 2 No. proposed rooflights to rear of listed building. Insertion of new doorset behind existing doorset to front of listed building. Reinstatement of personnel door to side of listed building. Recladding/thermal upgrading of external walls where necessary. Insertion of new window and entrance to rear of listed building. Making good hard landscaping and boundary fence. Conversion of existing outbuilding to utility area, store and customer/staff WC. Creation of new opening in existing wall to allow access from shop to tearoom - Amendments to the design of the outbuilding and small amendments to proposed internal layouts and additional strengthening works to main roof |
DC/21/4447/VOC |
Permitted |
Hedgeley, The Green |
The extensions include a two-storey element on the rear northern elevation, a two-storey extension to the existing rear gable and a single storey element wrapping around the extended rear gable containing a balcony above. The proposal also includes the remodelling of the garage at the rear of the site into a more pavilion style building, retaining the original roof, and the parking moved toward the front of the site |
DC/21/4531/FUL |
Permitted |
Elphinston Corner, Stocks Lane |
Replacement Outbuilding |
DC/21/4317/FUL |
Permitted |
Parish Lantern, The Green |
Variation of Condition No. 2 of DC/20/1342/LBC - Listed Building Consent |
DC/21/5076/VOC |
Permitted |
Parish Lantern, The Green |
Discharge of Condition No 4 of DC/20/1342/LBC - Listed Building Consent |
DC/21/4980/DRC |
Permitted |
Creek Cottage, Hidden Lane |
Proposed refurbishment, alteration of existing building |
DC/21/4932/FUL |
Permitted |
The Anchor PH, The Street |
Extend east building area - The Anchor PH. Extend lodge accommodation with two disabled lodge units - The Anchor PH & materials. |
DC/21/4660/FUL |
Permitted |
10 Manor Close |
Alterations and Extensions Including Loft Conversion (Revised Scheme)
DC/21/4541/FUL |
Permitted |
2 Manor Close |
New single storey garden accommodation to include a sunroom, music room and workshop
DC/21/4567/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Commonside, Palmers Lane |
Discharge of Condition(s) 7 of Planning Permission DC/21/2333/VOC - Demolition of existing dwelling. Construction of 1 No. dwelling and detached cartlodge with games room over. Outdoor Swimming pool and associated domestic landscaping - Commonside Palmers Lane Walberswick IP18 6TD
DC/21/4039/DRC |
Permitted |
The Parish Lantern, The Green |
Listed Building Consent - Demolition of modern internal partition walls to improve connection with rear courtyard garden. Adjustment of existing window and door openings to west elevation. Removal of existing timber cladding and recladding of west elevation with feather edge weatherboarding. Installation of WC and kitchen/servery area including associated mechanical and electrical works. Addition of secondary glazed doors behind existing garage doors (east elevation) for security and thermal comfort.
DC/21/4226/LBC |
Permitted |
The Thatched Cottage, The Street |
Proposed rear extension, internal alterations and replacement garaging/garden store/greenhouse
DC/21/4153/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Ivy Cottages |
Garage conversion, rear extension
DC/21/4076/FUL |
Permitted |
Parish Lantern, The Green |
Discharge of Condition No 4 of DC/20/1341/FUL - Works include demolition of single storey extension to rear of listed building and erection of replacement single storey extension with roof terrace above. Conversion of first floor and attic of listed building to single flat/maisonette. Enlargement of 2 No. dormers and insertion of 2 No. proposed rooflights to rear of listed building. Insertion of new doorset behind existing doorset to front of listed building. Reinstatement of personnel door to side of listed building. Recladding/thermal upgrading of external walls where necessary. Insertion of new window and entrance to rear of listed building. Making door hard landscaping and boundary fence. Conversion of existing outbuilding to utility area, store and customer/staff WC. Creation of new opening in existing wall to allow access from shop to tearoom - joinery details |
DC/21/3952/DRC |
Permitted |
Crowthers, Church Field |
Discharge of Condition 3 of DC/18/4577/FUL - (The proposed work comprises: demolition of an existing garage, shed and removal of an existing oil storage tank, internal and external alterations and adaptations to an existing property built circa 1970's. Side extension to create additional internal space. Extension to provide additional reception / garden room. Alterations to roof to create better headroom and revised dormer for upstairs bathroom, revised driveway layout, new external storage space)
DC/21/4421/DRC |
Permitted |
Samphire Cottage, Hidden Lane |
Discharge of Conditions 3 & 4 of DC/20/5263/FUL - Replacement Hipped Roof Structure to reconfigure first floor accommodation and single storey extensions to form new entrance foyer and extension of lounge.
DC/21/4458/DRC |
Permitted |
The Parish Lantern, The Green |
Listed Building Consent - Works include demolition of single storey extension to rear of listed building and erection of replacement single storey extension with roof terrace above. Conversion of first floor and attic of listed building to single flat/maisonette. Enlargement of 2 No. dormers and insertion of 2 No. proposed rooflights to rear of listed building. Insertion of new doorset behind existing doorset to front of listed building. Reinstatement of personnel door to side of listed building. Recladding/thermal upgrading of external walls where necessary. Insertion of new window and entrance to rear of listed building. Making good hard landscaping and boundary fence. Conversion of existing outbuilding to utility area, store and customer/staff WC. Creation of new opening in existing wall to allow access from shop to tearoom.
DC/20/1342/LBC |
Permitted |
Troy2, Church Field |
Recladding external walls with HardiePlank fibre cement exterior cladding. |
DC/21/3417/FUL |
Permitted |
Commonside, Palmers Lane |
Discharge of Condition No.4 of DC/21/2333/VOC (Demolition of existing dwelling. Construction of 1 No. dwelling and detached cartlodge with games room over. Outdoor Swimming pool and associated domestic landscaping) - Landscaping scheme of trees and hedging |
DC/21/3652/DRC |
Permitted |
Longwood, Church Field |
Planning Appeal: Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and the erection of two new dwellings with car port and garage (ref: DC/20/3414/FUL). |
Dismissed |
Mulberry House, Millfield |
Proposed annexe accommodation and minor alterations
DC/21/3110/FUL |
Permitted |
Walber House, Leveretts Lane |
One aspen/grey poplar to pollard at approximately 20ft the tree is showing signs of decay at the base and leans towards the property; we would like to carry out this work to retain the tree
DC/21/3325/TCA |
No objections |
Commonside, Palmers Lane |
Variation of Condition No 4 of DC/20/2321/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling. Construction of 1 No. dwelling and detached cartlodge with games room over. Outdoor Swimming pool and associated domestic landscaping - The project has commenced on site as the existing house has been demolished. The new house has been bought off plan from the developers with a view to carrying on building the new house as approved. It would be beneficial to push the condition for hedge /tree scheme to mid July to allow the new owners to have an input into the landscape design. |
DC/21/2333/VOC |
Permitted |
Northdale, The Street |
T1 Silver birch to be crown reduced, thin and reshape. T2 Beech crown reduced thin and reshape. The works is to maintain a healthy tree. |
DC/21/3123/TCA |
No objections |
22 Manor Close |
Front Extension to form Shower Room
DC/21/2862/FUL |
Permitted |
10 Manor Close |
Proposed Alterations And Extensions Including Loft Conversion
DC/21/2685/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Millstones, Millfield |
Front garden 1 x mature Sycamore - Crown reduce and shape by up to 40%, as tree is causing shade issues and in very close proximity to mature Acacia
DC/21/3078/TCA |
No objections |
The Lodge, The Street |
Single storey extension and internal alterations |
DC/21/2368/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Alexandra Place, The Street |
Outgrown former Beech hedge between Alexandra Place and Manor House- proposed reduction to reflect and balance recently approved reduction work on Manor House side to create an overall balanced tree structure.
DC/21/2144/TPO |
Permitted |
Little Chapter, Church Field |
Variation of Condition No.2 of DC/20/0858/FUL - Demolition of existing garage and garden room. Construction of two storey side extension and porch. New and extended dormers. Render and weatherboarding to walls, replacement roof tiles - change the exterior wall finish, window and door colours and porch design. |
Dc/21/1800/VOC |
Permitted |
The Old School, Leveretts Lane |
4 x Conifers approx. 25ft - Reduce to 6ft Reason: Trees causing excessive shading to neighbouring property and very close to cottage
DC/21/2175/TCA |
No objections |
Lea Cottage, The Lea |
One sycamore to be removed. The tree is positioned within two meters of the property and if left to mature could cause structural problems to the property, the tree is also heavily shading the property
DC/21/2174/TCA |
No objections |
Orchard Piece, Lodge Road |
Erection of detached garage and store |
DC/21/2020/FUL |
Permitted |
Commonside, Palmers Lane |
Non Material Amendment of DC/20/2321/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling. Construction of 1no. dwelling and detached cartlodge with games room over. Outdoor swimming pool and associated landscaping - Change of colour of Hardie Plank vertical board cladding from Grey Slate to Midnight Black |
DC/21/2334/AME |
Permitted |
Jove Cottage, Lodge Road |
Installing a garden shed |
DC/21/0986/FUL |
Permitted |
Creek Cottage, The Green |
Proposed refurbishment, alteration of existing building - Creek Cottage The Green Walberswick Suffolk IP18 6TX |
DC/21/1418/FUL |
withdrawn |
Bittern House, Millfield |
Non-Material Amendment of DC/21/0195/FUL - Extension to existing garage to provide workshop and creation of artists studio. Further stand alone artists studio. Re modelling existing extension to house. - Change the external finish on the roof and walls on the garage extension to corrugated iron and the roof on studio 1 and 2 to reclaimed tiles as oppose to zinc in the original proposal |
DC/21/2131/AME |
Permitted |
Millfield House, Millfield |
Three Quercus ilex to be crown reduced by roughly 30% due to excessive shading. |
DC/21/1581/TCA |
No objections |
2 Anchor Cottages, The Street |
Demolitions, alterations and additions |
DC/21/0487/FUL |
Permitted |
Westwood, Lodge Road |
To alter and extend an existing room to create a study art room.
DC/21/0465/FUL |
Permitted |
Commonside, Palmers Lane |
Variation of Condition 2 of DC/20/2321/FUL - (Demolition of existing dwelling. Construction of 1 No. dwelling and detached cartlodge with games room over. Outdoor Swimming pool and associated domestic landscaping) |
DC/21/0714/VOC |
Permitted |
Orchard Piece, Lodge Road |
Rear side and front extension and erection of detached garage and store |
DC/21/0429/FUL |
Refused |
Samphire Cottage, Hidden Lane |
Replacement hipped roof structure (new mansard roof) to reconfigure first floor accommodation and single storey extensions to form new entrance foyer and extension of existing lounge |
DC/20/5263/FUL |
Permitted |
Windmill Cottage, Millfield |
T1- Plum- Remove. The tree has been under review as stem growing towards house has been in decline for some time now. Recent building works have cause root damage around the base of the tree and soil compaction around root plate. Remove to prevent damage to property.
DC/21/0428/TCA |
No objections |
Bittern House, Millfield |
Extension to existing garage to provide workshop and creation of artists studio. Further stand alone artists studio. Re modelling existing extension to house
DC/21/0195/FUL |
Permitted |
3 Moorside, Palmers Lane |
The application is to make the flat roof area above the kitchen on the north side of the property a safe and attractive seating area. This primarily involves putting a balustrade at 1.1m above standing. In part this height will be met by the existing parapet and therefore the additional balustrade will be 77cm in height. This will be a minimalist system of glass with an opaque length of 1m to the western aspect. The space involved is estimated at a maximum of 4m2. Current access from the house will be enhanced by 35cm either as a window or door.
DC/20/5291/FUL |
Permitted |
Blythwyc. The Street |
G1 Mixture - No amenity value and with stem failure - Fell. T2 Oak - This tree is almost certainly a self set and will impact the wall in the foreseeable future- Fell T3 Plum - Inappropriate positioned and will cause damage to structure - Fell T4 Wild Plum - Access to drive obstructing - Fell G5 Hedge - Fell and replant with something more suitable. |
DC/21/0381/TCA |
No objections |
Mulberry House, Millfield |
DC/21/0294/TCA |
No objections |
Seacroft, Millfield |
Remove one small oak tree (Quercus) on rear garden boundary. The tree is growing under the canopy of a larger tree the result is a heavily leaning out of shape poor specimen tree. We wish to remove for the benefit of the larger tree.
DC/21/0185/TCA |
No objections |
Windmill Cottage, Millfield |
To form oak framed Carport and entrance gate with pantile roofs. To form new front boundary wall with willow fence top with new hedge planted behind
DC/20/4958/FUL |
Permitted |
Heathwold, Palmers Lane |
Demolition of existing brick two-bay garage and blockwork shed and erection of a two-bay timberframed garage and attached gym |
DC/20/5050/FUL |
Permitted |
Holly House, Stocks Lane |
To form a single storey side extension. To reform rear extension and balcony. |
DC/20/4959/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Anchor Cottages, The Street |
Discharge of Condition No.4 of DC/20/2919/FUL - Erection of detached cartlodge building - foundation details
DC/20/4842/DRC |
Permitted |
May House, Lodge Rd |
Proposed first floor dormer window to north side of property, external cladding and new gate.
DC/20/4378/FUL |
Permitted |
14 Adams Lane |
Ground & first floor extensions to rear.
DC/20/4488/FUL |
Permitted |
Seacroft, Millfield Road |
1 x Lawson cypress - Fell to ground level as tree has low amenity value 4 x Holly - Reduce by up to 25 % due to excessive shading. 1 x Oak - Reduce by up to 25% due to excessive shading. 1 x Cherry - Fell to ground level as close to the property if the reductions on the other trees doesn't create the desired light level for the client. 1 x Tree of Heaven - Crown lift to balance the tree.
DC/20/4859/TCA |
no objections |
Longshsore, The Street |
No Material Amendment of DC/19/3618/FUL - Extension to north and south of existing detached single family dwelling |
DC/20/4590/AME |
permitted |
The Old Rectory, The Street |
Remove four limbs from a mature macrocarpa, the tree has very heavily weighted limbs over neighbouring gardens and out buildings, we would like to remove these for safety reasons. |
DC/20/4366/TCA |
No objections |
12 Church Lane |
Proposed garden bothy to rear of the garden, ancillary to the house. |
Permitted |
Commonside, Palmers Lane |
Discharge of Condition Nos. 6, 10, 11, and 12 of DC/20/2321/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling. Construction of 1 No. dwelling and detached cartlodge with games room over. Outdoor Swimming pool and associated domestic landscaping - full details showing the position of fencing to protect all trees and hedgerows, construction environmental management plan, site investigation and detailed remediation method statement
DC/20/4161/DRC |
Permitted |
Alexandra Place |
Variation of Legal Agreement for S106 on Application - C09/1575 - Land North Of Alexandra Cottage The Street Walberswick Suffolk |
DC/20/4286/VLA |
Permitted |
Westons, The Street |
Non Material Amendment of DC/19/4490/FUL - Proposed Change of use of for the red demarked area from storage/amenity land to an extension of the residential curtilage of Westons. Demolition of the existing concrete block asbestos roofed outbuildings and proposed new timber buildings on the same footprints to provide a Storage, Summerhouses and an Outside Toilet and a Greenhouse - Change of location of greenhouse |
DC/20/4252/AME |
Permitted |
Saltlick, Leveretts Lane |
Variation of Condition No.2 of DC/20/1573/FUL -Alterations and renovation of existing house and construction of single storey extension with mezzanine level to the east. Demolition of West facing entrance lobby, WC and Shower. North facing first floor bathroom and WC, North facing ground floor log store. East facing first floor bathroom dormer, Boiler roof. Drawing room garden doors and roof over - We wish to omit the loft conversion from the project and have altered the drawings accordingly so there is no new access. The existing loft hatches will be retained and the loft space will continue to be used for storage only. |
DC/20/3631/VOC |
Permitted |
Longwood, Churchfield |
Demolition of an existing bungalow and garage and the erection of two new dwellings with a car port and garage |
DC/20/3414/FUL |
Refused |
Ardmay, The Street |
The proposal is for the demolition of the piecemeal single storey side additions and garage to the east side of the house, and the conservatory to the south. It is proposed to replace these with; a single storey flat roofed extension wrapping around the east and south elevations, a balcony above the proposed garden room, a single storey brick garage with hipped pantile roof and brick parapet, and a small cedar clad building with a pyramid hip roof and skylight. These proposed additions will occupy a larger footprint than currently exists.
DC/20/3266/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Anchor Cottage, The Street |
Erection of detached cartlodge building, workshop and garage. |
DC/20/2919/FUL |
Permitted |
Crestholme, The Lea |
To prune the Holy Tree on the Western Boundary of the property - shown on attached drawing in red. The Holy has not been managed for many years and needs lowering in height and narrowing in breadth so the boundary between Crestholme and The Hut can be reinstated and both properties protected from the proximity of such a tall tree - now overgrown and misshapen. The Tree will remain but in proportion and keeping to its position on the boundary.
DC/20/3299/TCA |
No objections |
Fen Cottage, The Lea |
Variation of Condition 2 of DC/19/2532/FUL - First floor rear extension & alterations - Variation to approved plans to improve design & amenity of dwelling. Replace Drawing No. 2464.19.1A with Drawing No. 2464.19.1C |
DC/20/2818/VOC |
Permitted |
Windmill Cottage, Millfield |
T1- Betula pendula, silver birch- 30% crown reduction (approx. 2m) and target prune of limb growing closest to house. T2- Malus, apple- light prune and thin to allow for easier fruit harvesting. T3- Prunus domestica, plum- hard prune to allow space for neighboring trees to grow. T4- Betula pendula, silver birch- 30% crown reduction (approx 2m). T5- Populus alba, white poplar- remove. the tree has self seeded from trees outside the boundary and is restricting light to formal shrub bed. T6- Liquidambar- crown raise to approx. 3m. (Note: hedge management does not fall under the scope of Section 211 covering trees in Conservation Areas
DC/20/3104/TCA |
No objections |
West Wood, Lodge Road |
Variation of Condition 2 of DC/19/2791/FUL - The development of a gravel garden and additional annex accommodation
DC/20/2823/VOC |
Permitted |
Orchard House, The Street |
Rear garden 1 x Eucalyptus - Reduce by up to 30% Reason: excessive shading |
DC/20/2793/TCA |
No objections |
Half Penny's, Ferry Road |
Rear garden 1 x Holly - Fell to ground level Reason: excessive shading low amenity value and very close to the summer house to be installed applicant happy to replant with flowering cherry
DC/20/2875/TCA |
No objections |
Seaspray, Millfield Rd |
Replacement of all windows, 2 enlarged window openings, removal and replacement of existing balcony
DC/20/2729/FUL |
Permitted |
Commonside, Palmers Lane |
Demolition of existing dwelling. Construction of 1 No. dwelling and detached cartlodge with games room over. Outdoor Swimming pool and associated domestic landscaping |
DC/20/2321/FUL |
Permitted |
The Parish Lantern, The Green |
Works include demolition of single storey extension to rear of listed building and erection of replacement single storey extension with roof terrace above. Conversion of first floor and attic of listed building to single flat/maisonette. Enlargement of 2 No. dormers and insertion of 2 No. proposed rooflights to rear of listed building. Insertion of new doorset behind existing doorset to front of listed building. Reinstatement of personnel door to side of listed building. Recladding/thermal upgrading of external walls where necessary. Insertion of new window and entrance to rear of listed building. Making good hard landscaping and boundary fence. Conversion of existing outbuilding to utility area, store and customer/staff WC. Creation of new opening in existing wall to allow access from shop to tearoom.
DC/20/1341/FUL |
Permitted |
The Parish Lantern, The Green |
Listed Building Consent - Works include demolition of single storey extension to rear of listed building and erection of replacement single storey extension with roof terrace above. Conversion of first floor and attic of listed building to single flat/maisonette. Enlargement of 2 No. dormers and insertion of 2 No. proposed rooflights to rear of listed building. Insertion of new doorset behind existing doorset to front of listed building. Reinstatement of personnel door to side of listed building. Recladding/thermal upgrading of external walls where necessary. Insertion of new window and entrance to rear of listed building. Making good hard landscaping and boundary fence. Conversion of existing outbuilding to utility area, store and customer/staff WC. Creation of new opening in existing wall to allow access from shop to tearoom.
DC/20/1342/LBC |
Permitted |
Lilliput, Lodge Road |
Non - Material Amendment of DC/19/4812/FUL - (Construction of a four bedroom sustainable passive house on the land adjacent to Lilliput. Erect a new garden shed and cycle shed for the new house. Relocate summer house. Re-locate oil tank for Lilliput)
DC/20/2766/AME |
Permitted |
Saltllick, Leveretts Lane |
Alterations and renovation of existing house and construction of single storey extension with mezzanine level to the east. Demolition of West facing entrance lobby, WC and Shower. North facing first floor bathroom and WC, North facing ground floor log store. East facing first floor bathroom dormer, Boiler roof. Drawing room garden doors and roof over. |
DC/20/1573/FUL |
Permitted |
Brisbane House, Ferry Road |
Lightwell Infill at Ground Floor level with new pitched glazed roof over |
DC/20/2038/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Valley Farm |
Listed Building Consent - Installation of weather vane and siting of shepherd's hut |
DC/20/2022/LBC |
Permitted |
1 Valley Farm |
Listed Building Consent - Installation of weather vane and siting of shepherd's hut |
DC/20/2021/FUL |
Permitted |
Westwood, Lodge Road |
To alter and extend an existing room to create a high ceiling art room and to re roof the existing garage with cedar shingles |
DC/20/2064/FUL |
Refused |
1 Ivy Cottages, The Street |
The erection of a single storey building of a rectangular plan with a double pitched roof for use as an artist studio in the rear garden of the above property.
DC/20/1965/FUL |
Permitted |
Pyghtle, The Street |
One ash tree to be pollarded, the tree is at risk of failing at a height of three meters, it's a double stem with included bark and a very heavy canopy. In recent high winds the tree has also had two very heavily weighted limbs fail narrowly missing power, bt lines. We want to retain the tree but also make it safe so a pollard is necessary for the above unstable conditions |
DC/20/1971/TCA |
no objections |
Kermont, The Street |
Pollard 4no. Lombardy Poplars in rear garden to allow more sun into garden. |
DC20/1966/TCA |
No objections |
Bennetts Copse, The Street |
9 x Sycamores - Coppice Reason: all have heartwood rot |
DC/20/1992/TCA |
No objections |
Commonside, Palmers Lane |
Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of 2 No. dwellings with detached garages and associated landscaping. - Commonside Palmers Lane Walberswick Suffolk IP18 6TD |
DC/20/1356/FUL |
Refused |
Lilliput, Lodge Road |
Discharge of Condition No. 3 of DC/19/4812/FUL - Construction of a four bedroom sustainable passive house on the land adjacent to Lilliput. Erect a new garden shed and cycle shed for the new house. Re-locate summer house. Re-locate oil tank for Lilliput |
DC/20/1513/DRC |
Permitted |
Stocks House, Stocks Lane |
Summer room extension
DC/20/1028/FUL |
Permitted |
Mirna, Manor Close |
Single storey boot room addition to north elevation of property
DC/20/1023/FUL |
Permitted |
Heritage Hut, The Green |
New disabled access porch. Open fronted 'graded' breedon limestone/clay 'dished'-area in front of the hut and part adjoining shop - both to achieve wheel chair access falls of 1-in-12 minimum. Same drive surface to side of hut access to house at rear. New traditional painted timber fence to entrance and side as historical photographs. |
DC/20/0518/FUL |
Permitted |
Little Chapter, Church Field |
Demolition of existing garage and garden room. Construction of two storey side extension and porch. New and extended dormers. Render and weatherboarding to walls, replacement roof tiles.
DC/20/0858/FUL |
Permitted |
Land next to Redmay, Lodge Road |
Conversion of stables/ outbuildings to single bedroom accessible dwelling |
DC/19/1823/FUL |
Appeal allowed without conditions |
Heathwold, Palmers Lane |
Fell T1 Lawson cypress Fell T2 Lawson cypress approximately Fell T3 Monterey cypress Fell T4 Sycamore T5 Pittosporum: cut back dead wood. The Trees in question were reviewed by Nicholas Newton, Arboriculture and Landscape Manager at East Suffolk on the 14th January 2020 and he had no objections to the works. |
DC/20/0801/TCA |
No objections |
2 Ivy Cottages, The Street |
3no. Corsican Pine in rear garden - crown thin to reduce risk of storm damage.
DC/20/0571/TCA |
No objections |
Westons, The Street |
Non-material Amendment of DC/19/4490/FUL - Proposed Change of use of for the red demarked area from storage/amenity land to an extension of the residential curtilage of Westons. Demolition of the existing concrete block asbestos roofed outbuildings and proposed new timber buildings on the same footprints to provide a Storage, Summerhouses and an Outside Toilet and a Greenhouse |
DC/20/0551/AME |
Permitted |
Crestholme, The Lea |
DC/20/0504/TCA |
No objections |
Sea View, The Street |
Retrospective use of the existing outbuilding as a home office/gym/storage building; proposed external and internal alterations to the materials/fenestration, and a small extension to the existing lean-to log store to form a shed |
Permitted |
Lilliput, Lodge Road |
Construction of a four bedroom sustainable passive house on the land adjacent to Lilliput. Erect a new garden shed and cycle shed for the new house. Re-locate summer house. Re-locate oil tank for Lilliput.
DC/19/4812/FUL |
Permitted |
Co-Op, The Street |
Alterations to forecourt area to improve pedestrian access
DC/19/4886/FUL |
Permitted |
Vine Cottage, The Green |
Discharge of Condition(s) 3 on planning permission DC/18/2802/FUL (The proposal is for a replacement side extension to a single family dwelling. The existing rear upvc conservatory is proposed to be replaced with a new painted timber conservatory. Existing upvc windows are proposed to be replaced with new painted timber sash windows.)
DC/20/0157/DRC |
Permitted |
Lane Corner, The Street |
1 x Cupressus macrocarpa - Fell Reason: excessive shading and overhangs neighbouring property
DC/19/4891/TCA |
No objections |
The Hut, The Lea |
Non-material Amendment of DC/18/2083/FUL - Proposed addition of ancillary garden studio to the rear of The Hut and minor internal and external alterations to existing house - Change approved skylight from glass pantiles to 2no. velux conservation roof lights
DC/20/0053/AME |
Permitted |
Sea View, The Street |
Existing home office building amended externally with bi-fold doors in place of an existing window and an extra window added to the side. Existing lean-to log store extended to form a shed/garden storage area. Internal amendments of new internal walls to form a gym area, bathroom in the centre and improved office space with kitchenette for refreshments.
DC/19/4601/FUL |
Long Roof, Leveretts Lane |
Extension to existing single storey timber clad building to provide extra space; walls to be clad in timber to match existing with a felt flat roof
DC/19/4731/FUL |
Permitted |
Westons, The Street |
Proposed Change of use of for the red demarked area from storage/amenity land to an extension of the residential curtilage of Westons. Demolition of the existing concrete block asbestos roofed outbuildings and proposed new timber buildings on the same footprints to provide a Storage, Summerhouses and an Outside Toilet and a Greenhouse
DC/19/4490/FUL |
Permitted |
Admiral House, The Street |
Alterations to previously approved ref No: DC/16/5270/FUL Garage conversion to games room/covered kayak store.
DC/19/4243/FUL |
Permitted |
Windmill Cottage, Mill Field |
To remove front glazed lobby & side store & form new 1.5 storey front entrance with en-suite bathroom over. To form single storey kitchen extension & side utility & store with log store.
DC/19/4601/FUL |
Permitted |
Coopers Thatch, Leveretts Lane |
Extensions including new Garden Room, Library and new Entrance, internal alterations, and new Studio in garden |
DC/19/4447/FUL |
Permitted |
The Old Tea Rooms, The Green |
T1 - Indian Chestnut Reduce/shape 10% and thin 10% - Mature tree, significant cavities on the trunk and poor major crotches. Work required to maintain the tree |
DC/19/4633/TCA |
No objections |
Little Chapter, Church Field |
Demolition of existing garage and garden room. Construction of two storey side extension and porch. New and extended dormers. Render and weather boarding to walls, replacement roof tiles. |
DC/19/4505/FUL |
Refused |
Beta Cottage, The Green |
Replace glazed rear roof with pantile roof coverings |
DC/19/4203/FUL |
Permitted |
The Anchor, The Street |
T1 & T4 2 x Sycamores - Fell poor specimens G1 Holm Oaks - Reduce to 5m due to excessive shading T2 & T3 2 x Macrocarpa - Fell poor specimens T5 Cotoneaster - Reduce to 2.5m as too large for space
DC/19/4554/TCA |
No objections |
Parish Lantern, The Green |
Listed Building Consent. Demolition of single storey extension to rear of listed building and erection of replacement single storey extension with roof terrace above. Conversion of first floor and attic of listed building to single flat/maisonette. Enlargement of 2 No. dormers and insertion of 2 No. proposed rooflights to rear of listed building. Replacement of existing door set to front of listed building. Reinstatement of personnel door to side of listed building. Re cladding of wall and insertion of window to rear of listed building. Making good hard landscaping and boundary fence. Conversion of existing outbuilding to utility area and customer/staff WC. Creating new opening in existing wall to allow access from shop to tearoom. |
DC/19/4467/LBC |
Withdrawn |
Parish Lantern, The Green |
Demolition of single storey extension to rear of listed building and erection of replacement single storey extension with roof terrace above. Conversion of first floor and attic of listed building to single flat/maisonette. Enlargement of 2 No. dormers and insertion of 2 No. proposed rooflights to rear of listed building. Replacement of existing door set to front of listed building. Reinstatement of personnel door to side of listed building. Re cladding of wall and insertion of window to rear of listed building. Making good hard landscaping and boundary fence. Conversion of existing outbuilding to utility area and customer/staff WC. Creating new opening in existing wall to allow access from shop to tearoom.
DC/19/4466/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Longshore, The Street |
Proposed extension to north and south of existing detached single family dwelling |
DC/19/3618/FUL |
Permitted |
The Heritage Hut, The Green |
Trees No 1 and 2 - Yew - Remove over hanging branches to make clearance from building roof.
DC/19/3540/TCA |
No objections |
Old Farm Cottage, The Street |
T1 Silver Birch to left side of house - to be felled because of close proximity to house.
DC/19/4057/TCA |
No objections |
Manor House, The Street |
TPO No SCC/02/00155 Group of Beech trees - Reduce to 2/3 current height in stages over 5 years or more Reason : Too tall bad structure
DC/19/3958/TPO |
Permitted |
Fen Cottage, The Lea |
Non-material Amendment - DC/19/2532/FUL - First Floor Rear Extension and Alterations
DC/19/4209/AME |
Refused |
Elfinston Corner, Stocks Lane |
Proposed ground floor extension to the east of the existing house, replacing previous single storey side extensions. Reclaimed timber train carriage to be sited to the west of the garden. |
DC/19/3616/FUL |
Permitted |
Lu Shan, Mill Field |
North Facing Extension - Retain foundations & Roof, Rebuild walls, new doors & Windows |
DC/19/3543/FUL |
Permitted |
Northfields Hall, Leveretts Lane |
T1 on western point boundary - Sycamore of low amenity value and causing heavy shading; to be felled. T2 on mid eastern boundary - Oak, crown reduction to 50' x 50' (16m. x 16m.)
DC/19/3754/TCA |
No objecctions |
1 Manor Close |
Proposed single storey front shower room extension
DC/19/3523/FUL |
Permitted |
Lane End, The Street |
1 x mirabelle plum - reduce & shape up to 20%. Reason: tree close to property causing shade
DC/19/3129/TCA |
No objections |
Manor House, The Street |
For the construction of a two bay cart lodge with workshop to the side and home office above |
DC/19/2775/FUL |
Permitted |
Jove Cottage, Lodge Road |
Alterations, Improvements and Additions |
DC/19/2866/FUL |
Permitted |
Westwood, Lodge Road |
The development of a gravel garden and additional annexe accommodation |
DC/19/2791/FUL |
Permitted |
Manor House, The Street |
Extension of rear most annex. |
DC/19/2721/FUL |
Permitted |
The Hut, The Lea |
Discharge of Conditions No 3 & 5 of DC/18/2083/FUL - Proposed addition of ancillary garden studio to the rear of The Hut and minor internal and external alterations to existing house. - Brick Details & Flood Risk Management Measures |
DC/19/2557/DRC |
Permitted |
The Fen, The Lea |
First floor extension & alterations |
DC/19/2532/FUL |
Permitted |
Heritage Hut, The Green |
Proposed new porch and ramp. To improve access to the building and to improve the occupational standard (revised) |
DC/19/1584/FUL |
Refused |
1 Millstones, Mill Field |
Erection of ancillary building in garden of domestic dwelling |
DC/19/1847/FUL |
Permitted |
Coopers Thatch, Leveretts Lane |
2no. Holm Oaks - to carry out 50% crown reduction to allow more light to property. 1no. Norway Spruce - to be felled; tree in failing condition. To be replaced by Birch (Jacquemontii). |
DC/19/2327/TCA |
No objections |
The Knapp, Lodge Road |
Change of Use, add on two bedrooms to a existing garden building/studio. Change the layout of existing bathroom. No structural/load bearing work to be done apart from the two new windows for the bedrooms - according to regulations. |
DC/19/2108/FUL |
Permitted |
Elfinston Corner, Stocks Lane |
Construction of ground and first floor extensions to existing dwelling |
DC/19/1680/FUL |
Withdrawn |
9 Church Lane |
This is a 1950s Swedish timber frame property. The wooden cladding is rotting and needs replacing. In accordance with building regulations we are required to insulate the property when replacing more than 25% of the external cladding. Works include to: Undertake removal of perished wooden cladding and fit insulation boards, thickness as agreed with building control (100mm). We will apply a cement based cladding vertically with a neutral colour finish. The Cedral cladding is environmentally friendly, rot free and low maintenance. |
DC/19/1902/FUL |
Withdrawn |
The Heritage Hut, The Green |
Proposed new porch and ramp. To improve access to the building and to improve the occupational standard. |
DC/19/1584/FUL |
Removed |
lane End, The Street |
To fell Mirabelle Plum overhanging the side lane and on power cables.
DC/19/2107/TCA |
No objections |
Next to Redmay, Lodge Road |
Conversion of stables/ outbuildings to single bedroom accessible dwelling
DC/19/1823/FUL |
Refused |
Landing Stage WO7 |
Planning in Principle - Extension to existing walkway on W07 (3.6 x 3.6) and erection of small storage shed. |
DC/19/1295/PIP |
Withdrawn |
The Old Chapel, The Street |
To fell ivy covered sycamore tree just outside rear boundary of property.
DC/19/1306/TCA |
No objections |
Stocks Wood, Stocks Lane |
Erection, new carport on a existing drive/carpark
DC/19/0904/FUL |
Permitted |
Salix, Lodge Road |
Discharge of Condition(s) 2 (a-d) on Planning Appeal APP/J3530/W/18/3195257 of Planning Permission DC/16/4406/FUL
DC/19/0967/DRC |
Permitted |
Manor House, The Street |
DC/19/0530/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Windmill Cottage, Mill Field |
All tree work is with the intent to prevent excessive shading to the rear of the property and prevent overcrowding of trees. T1 - Mulberry, 30% crown reduction T2 - Maple, 30% crown reduction T3 - Cherry, 30% crown reduction T4 - Silver Birch - remove T5 - white Poplar, remove leaning stem and shape remaining crown T8 T9 - remove small Holly trees growing between properties T10- Plum, remove deadwood
DC/19/0643/TCA |
No objections |
The Stables, The Street |
1 Ivy Cottages, The Street |
Addition of extra storey above existing garage for use as a studio |
DC/19/0139/FUL |
Refused |
Dickon, The Street |
DC/18/5068/FUL |
Permitted |
Westwood, Lodge Road |
Beech Tree (T1) Pollard to around 12ft to allow more light and prevent subsidence to neighbouring building Holm Oak (T2) Reduce branches over hanging road |
DC/19/0366/TCA |
No objections |
Spindrift, Lodge Road |
Variation of condition no DC/16/4406/FUL - Erection of new dwelling to rear of Spindrift sharing existing driveway APPEAL |
APP/040/2018 |
Allowed |
The Anchor, The Street |
G1 Limes - Re-pollard back to former pollard points. T1 Sycamore - Fell; overcrowded by adjacent Holm Oak. G2 Mixed hedge - reduce to 1m. because of excess shading. T2 & T3 Damson - reduce to 2m. because of excess shading. T5 and T6 Cherry - reduce by 2m. and reshape. T7 - T12 Macrocarpa - fell, poor specimens that keep shedding branches. |
DC/19/0230/TCA |
No objections |
May House, Lodge Rd |
Removal of 3 no. windows and 3 no. doors on north side of property, to be replaced with 2 no. windows and 3 no. doors with matching detailing. Proposed work requires removal of a small volume of existing masonry. |
DC/19/0126/FUL |
Permitted |
Cornelian, Leveretts Lane |
DC/19/0079/TCA |
No objections |
Cornelian, Leveretts Lane |
Garden Store
DC/18/5223/FUL |
Permitted |
Manor House, The Street |
Replace glazed roof with solid roof and roof lights
DC/18/5059/FUL |
Permitted |
4 Moorside |
new 2.1/2 storey detached dwelling to garden plot |
DC/18/4458/OUT |
Refused |
Fair View, The Street |
The proposed works will remodel the interior for modern living and restore the exterior to reinstate the buildings character, including adding toughened glass panels and a skylight to the first floor landing, external bespoke hardwood (painted) double glazed sash windows will replace all existing units, double glazed dormers to replace the front dormer and a further dormer will be added to the rear. The white masonry paint will be stripped and the front garden wall will be replaced to improve the street elevation. |
Permitted |
Crowthers, Church Field |
The proposed work comprises: demolition of an existing garage, shed and removal of an existing oil storage tank, internal and external alterations and adaptations to an existing property built circa 1970's. Side extension to create additional internal space. Extension to provide additional reception / garden room. Alterations to roof to create better headroom and revised dormer for upstairs bathroom, revised driveway layout, new external storage space |
DC/18/4577/FUL |
Permitted |
Crestholme, The Lea |
Discharge of Condition 4 on DC/17/0318/FUL - Alterations and extensions to existing detached single dwelling house including loft conversion with new rear dormer window, rebuilding of existing two storey side extension in larger form, replacement of existing front porch with larger version, new pattern of new and replacement windows throughout, demolition of one existing chimney, addition of raised rear and side terrace, new parking area and new vehicular access from street - tree details |
DC/18/4696/DRC |
Permitted |
House on The Green |
To fell 5no. Leylandii trees adjacent to rear boundary of 1 Anchor Cottages |
DC/18/4531/TCA |
No objections |
Ashtree, Lodge Road |
Installation Of An Air Source Heat Pump
DC/18/4005/FUL |
Permitted |
Salix, Lodge Road |
Variation of conditions 7 & 8 of DC/16/4406/FUL - Erection of new dwelling to rear of Spindrift sharing existing driveway - To permit the removal of the dead Leylandi, and retain the newly erected close boarded fence and trellis 2.1m high, which is of a comparable height to the fence removed (this was in an extremely poor state of repair and the leylandii had grown around and through it). This fence was errected following consultation, and with the consent of the owner of Hoist Wood House. Please see attached documentation. Please note that the garden of Hoist Wood House on the other side of the fence rises steeply to form a bank, so that the fence is less than 2m when viewed from Hoist Wood House. The Leylandi will be replaced with plants shown on an annotated GA08 A Plan. To delay planting on the Eastern boundary until autumn 2018, to allow a change of species to be planted, and consent to erect a garden shed on the north eastern boundary of the site. Please see attached proposed shed details.
DC/18/2444/VOC |
Permitted |
Ryefield, The Street |
Demolish existing two storey side extension & replace with a new two storey side extension (Revised) |
DC/18/3388/FUL |
Permitted |
Shenburgh, The Street |
New gate and garden layout to the rear of Shenburgh by the potting shed |
DC/18/3651/FUL |
Permitted |
Holly House, Stocks Lane |
Rear ground & first floor extension Clad existing building at first floor level |
DC/18/3669/FUL |
Permitted |
Mallards & Mirna |
Non-material amendement of application DC/18/1716/VOC - To allow for installation of gates to enclose the driveways of each plot. |
DC/18/3475/AME |
Permitted |
Millcroft, Mill Field |
To carry out 50% reduction on 2no. Holm Oaks causing excess shade. To fell Scots Pine in frnt garden - tree in poor condition. (Reduction of beech hedge is noted but Notification is not required for hedges in Conservation Areas
DC/18/4171/TCA |
No objections |
The Bell Inn |
Installation of new 11kV/LV substation (315kVA) install 80 metres (circuit length) of high voltage underground cable and 140 metres (circuit length) of low voltage cable. The Existing H Pole Structure to be removed
DC/18/2441/FUL |
Permitted |
Cornelian, Leveretts Lane |
Variation of condition 2 of DC/17/2948/FUL - Open sided cycle store - Raise eaves height south elevation and sited locationas drawing 1239.07.20A
DC/18/3621/VOC |
Permitted |
2Valley Farm |
Cypress fell because of lots of storm damaged limbs, very unbalanced on one side, not very attractive to look at. This is one of three trees, one of which blew over this winter so the owners are worried that this would also be of risk to blowing over. Recently built a studio under the tree. The tree stands approximately 45-50 feet tall, plans to replant with shrubs or smaller trees
DC/18/3711/TCA |
No objections |
Mallard & Mirna |
Cypress fell because of lots of storm damaged limbs, very unbalanced on one side, not very attractive to look at. This is one of three trees, one of which blew over this winter so the owners are worried that this would also be of risk to blowing over. Recently built a studio under the tree. The tree stands approximately 45-50 feet tall, plans to replant with shrubs or smaller trees |
DC/18/3469/DRC |
Permitted |
Mercers Hall, The Street |
To fell and replant two trees at the back of the property which have out grown the space available. Being one pittosporum variegatum which has also lost its variagated leaf. and a weeping ash
DC/18/3554/TCA |
No objections |
Greyroof, Millfield |
To fell Monterey Pine in rear garden - tree causing heavy shading and supressing adjacent trees. |
DC/18/3515/TCA |
No objections |
Vine Cottage, The Green |
Application Reference Number: DC/17/1930/FUL Date of Decision: 17/10/2017 Condition Number(s): Condition 2 Conditions(s) Removal: We would like to make a minor amendment to the approved scheme. To do this Condition 2 which references the approved drawings needs to be changed. Accordingly we are making an application to substitute drawing no. WAL_110, one of the approved drawings listed within Condition no.2, with the new revised drawing WAL_110A |
DC/18/2802/VOC |
Permitted |
Te Awahou, Millfield |
To reduce Pittosporum in rear garden by 40% because of proximity to greenhouse.
DC/18/3386/TCA |
No objections |
Seacroft, Millfield |
One Corsican Pine to be removed. Tree to be removed as causing excessive shade, by removing the tree it will give way to a smaller Beech tree to mature |
DC/18/3119/TCA |
No objections |
The Bell Inn, Ferry Road |
Listed Building Consent - Installation of new 11kV/LV substation (315kVA) install 80 metres (circuit length) of high voltage underground cable and 140 metres (circuit length) of low voltage cable. The Existing H Pole Structure to be removed |
DC/18/2442/LBC |
Withdrawn |
Cornelian, Leveretts Lane |
Open side cycle store |
DC/18/3121/AME |
Withdrawn |
Green Gate, The Street |
T1 Holm Oak - pollard to c. 4m. T2 Ash - reduce by 30% T3 Cypress - fell T4 Conifer - -reduce by 30% T5 Euonymous - reduce by 30% |
DC/18/2997/TCA |
No objections |
Mulberry, Mill Field |
To crown lift 3no. Holm Oak to rear of property to height of 4m. max.
DC/18/2686/TCA |
No objections |
Heritage Hut, The Green |
Replacement of rear existing with new pitched roof to match existing. |
DC/18/2050/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Church Lanae |
Demolish existing single storey side extension, rear lean-to and replace with a new two storey side extension and rear conservatory. |
DC/18/2351/FUL |
Permitted |
Shenburgh, The Street |
2no. Lime trees - 50% reduction because of excess shading Fell smaller of two Yews to allow larger one to mature. Mature Holm Oak behind garage, heavy lean towards house - 50% reduction Sycamore to side of garage - 30% reduction to reshape after reduction of Holm Oak -
DC/18/2578/TCA |
No objections |
Rippleway, Mill Field |
Single storey extension and internal alterations to form new kitchen/dining dayroom
DC/18/2472/FUL |
Permitted |
Ardmay, The Street |
Lime tree in front garden - crown lift lower branches and remove deadwood. |
DC/18/2540/TCA |
No objections |
Malards & Mirna |
Variation of Condition no. 2 (plans & drawings) on Planning Permission DC/15/1756/FUL |
Permitted |
The Hut, The Lea |
Proposed addition of ancillary garden studio to the rear of The Hut and minor internal and external alterations to existing house |
DC/18/2083/FUL |
Permitted |
Shenburgh, The Street |
Proposed two-storey side addition providing dining room, boot room, first floor bathroom/study and access stair to attic. Proposed one-storey side addition for library recess. Proposed demolition of existing C2O side addition. Proposed internal reconfiguration and remodelling. Proposed minor changes to garage |
DC/18/1383/FUL |
Permitted |
2 Valley Farm |
Non Material Amendment of DC/17/4545/FUL - Extend and alter existing studio - Alter window and door locations/design. External cedar board painted - light grey - colour range Osma |
DC/18/1975/AME |
Permitted |
Tamarisk, The Green |
Non Material Amendment of DC/17/3887/FUL - Side and rear extension to dwelling - Alteration of kitchen windows on north east elevation. Alteration of play room external doors on south east elevation. No longer reinstating window on south east elevation |
DC/18/2137/AME |
Permitted |
The Old Methodist Church, The Street |
DC/18/1288/TCA |
No objections |
3 Millstones, Millfield |
To reduce 2no. Acers by 30% and reshape as one tree. To reduce Eucalyptus by 50%.
DC/18/1289/TCA |
No objections |
Leveretts, The Street |
Proposed alterations and extensions. |
DC/18/0294/FUL |
Permitted |
Walber House, Leveretts Lane |
2no. Holm Oaks - to be crown reduced by 40% 1no. Oak - to be crown lifted to 6m
DC/18/0367/TCA |
No objections |
Leveretts, The Street |
Non Material Amendment of DC/17/4648/FUL - Proposed alterations and extensions - Revisions to studio window - reduced in width, lobby door width increased to 900mm, utility window to be relocated, lobby external door change, drawing room external doors to be relocated, additional window to dining room, change to black stained horizontal boarding in lieu of grey and garage and store to be retained, repaired, reclad. |
DC/18/0015/AME |
Permitted |
Bennetts Drift |
Bird Hide |
DC/17/4401/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Anchor Cots, The Street |
Details as required by conditions 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Planning Consent DC/17/0800/FUL - Rear Extension to existing semi detached dwelling |
DC/17/4165/DRC |
Permitted |
Tamarisk, The Green |
Side and rear extension to dwelling |
DC/17/3887/FUL |
Permitted |
2 Valley Farm, Ferry Road |
Extend and alter existing studio |
DC/17/4545/FUL |
Permitted |
Close Cott, Manor Cl. |
Porch |
DC/17/4556/FUL |
Permitted |
Northdale, The Street |
Silver Birch near rear of house - damaged and diseased; to be felled. Cercis tree - to be crown reduced 30-35% |
DC/17/4890/TCA |
No objections |
Leveretts, The Street |
Proposed alterations and extensions |
DC/17/4648/FUL |
Permitted |
Ashtree, Lodge Rd |
Single storey flat roof extensions to side and rear of a flat roofed bungalow including new cladding and new roof throughout |
DC/17/4496/FUL |
Permitted |
1Anchor Cots, The Street |
Demolition of semi-detached house. Rebuild in same form with minor changes. New rear extension as previously approved. |
DC/17/4247/FUL |
Refused |
Spindrift, Lodge Rd. |
Variation of condition no DC/16/4406/FUL - Erection of new dwelling to rear of Spindrift sharing existing driveway |
DC/17/4263/VOC |
Refused |
3 Alexandra Place |
Pollard 3 trees, remove 2 trees |
DC/17/4550/TCA |
No objections |
Hoist Wood Ho, The Street |
A single-storey extension to form a sitting room area |
DC/17/3971/FUL |
Permitted |
Eastway Cott. Ferry Road |
First Floor small roof extension to provide lavatory at bedroom level. |
DC/17/4247/FUL |
Permitted |
Mallards&Mirna, Manor Close |
Non Material amendment of DC/17/0337/VOC
DC/17/3291/VOC |
Permitted |
Vine Cottage,The Green |
Replacement side extension and existing rear upvc conservatory to be replaced with new painted timber conservatory. Existing upvc windows to be replaced with new painted timber sash windows.
DC/17/1930/FUL |
Permitted |
The Old School, Leveretts Lane |
5 trees crown reduction. 2 trees crown lift.
DC/17/3475/TCA |
No objections |
Westons, The Street |
Construction of a replacement annex to provide guest accommodation in conjunction with Westons within the grounds of the property
DC/17/2086/FUL |
Permitted |
Saltmarshes, Lodge Rd |
First floor extension over flat roof garage and bedroom
DC/17/2494/FUL |
Permitted |
St Andrew's Church |
Light crown lift and various reductions - trees as per plan and application.
DC/17/3289/TCA |
No objections |
Cornelian, Leveretts Lane |
Open side cycle store
DC/17/2968/FUL |
Permitted |
White Barn, Leveretts Lane |
Single storey side extension
DC/17/2296/FUL |
Permitted |
Long Roof, Leveretts Lane |
To fell 1no. Monterey Pine, rear garden southern boundary; Group of Birch in rear garden; remove deadwood and reshape.
DC/17/3060/TCA |
No objections |
Sole Bay House, The Street |
4 trees to be removed
DC/17/2958/TCA |
No objections |
Saltlick, Leveretts Ln |
Remove beech, reshape oak, remove holly, remove 2 pittisporums
DC/17/2423/TCA |
No objections |
Rippleway, Milllfield |
To repollard 2no. Holm Oaks in rear garden
DC/17/1952/TCA |
No objections |
Ferry House, Ferry Rd |
9 trees to be re-shaped, pruned or felled.
DC/17/1897/TCA |
No objections |
Martin's, The Street |
T1 Oak and T2 Yew to be reduced 5 metres away from building (both trees to side of building).
DC/17/1971/TCA |
No objections |
Proposed reservoir, Lodge Road |
Balanced cut and fill earthworks associated with the creation of a 350K cubic metre reservoir. No materials import to or export from site.
DC/17/2122/AGO |
Prior approval required |
1 Alexandra Place |
Proposed two storey side extension
DC/17/1455/FUL |
Permitted |
Millcroft, Millfield |
Proposed rear extension & re-building of existing single storey area
DC/17/1326/FUL |
Permitted |
Mallards & Mirna |
Non material amendment to DC/17/0337 /VOC - Variation of condition No 2 on planning permission
DC/17/0337/VOC |
Permitted |
1 Anchor Cot., The Street |
Rear Extension to existing semi detached dwelling
DC/17/0800/FUL |
Permitted |
Village Hall |
Replace existing storage shed with new architect designed shed.
DC/17/0988/FUL |
Permitted |
Rear of Sprindrift, Lodge Road |
Erection of New Dwelling. Details as required by conditions 4, 5, 8 and 9 of Planning Consent
DC/16/4406/FUL |
Permitted |
Mannor House, The Street |
Row of Beech on side boundary- Overall crown reduction by 20% Removal of three stems to re-space and avoid overcrowding.
DC/17/0986/TPO |
Permitted |
Knowll Cottage, Leveretts Lane |
50% Reduction of Holm Oak to rear of garage.
DC/17/0987/TCA |
No objections |
Longroof, Leveretts Lane |
12no. Cedar on rear boundary of property to be felled because of excess shading and low amenity value.
DC/17/0864/TCA |
No objections |
Crestholme, The Lea |
Alterations and extensions to existing detached single dwelling house
DC/17/0318/FUL |
Permitted |
Westwood, Lodge Rd. |
Ts1 3no. Holm Oak - to be pollarded to 4m. T2 Beech - reduce by 30% T3 Cotoneaster - to be felled T4 Beech - reduce by 30% T5 Beech - reduce by 40% T6 Holm Oak - crown lift up to 3.5. above ground level.
DC/17/0604/TCA |
No objections |
3 Adams Lane |
Non Material Amendment - Road facing rooflight, rear dormer & porch. - Wall finish, Hardiplank. Front velux. First floor window moved westward.
DC/16/4685/FUL |
Permitted |
Mallards and Mirna, Manor Close |
Variation of Condition No.2 of DC/16/2507/VOC - Variation of Condition no.2 on Planning Permission DC/15/1756/FUL - Amendments to design
DC/16/4840/FUL |
Permitted |
Ferry Hut, Ferry Road |
Extension of Walberswick Ferry Hut to provide space to store additional safety equipment
DC/16/4840/FUL |
Permitted |
Admiral House, The Street |
Conversion of garage to a games room, the erection of a covered kayak store and associated ground works
DC/16/5270/FUL |
Permitted |
3 Adams Lane |
Road facing rooflight. Rear dormer. Porch. (Resubmission of DC/16//3498/FUL)
DC/16/4685/FUL |
Permitted |
2 Marsh End, Ferry Road. |
Replacement windows
DC/16/4994/FUL |
Permitted |
Old Farm Cottage, The Street |
To fell 2 Silver Birch in a group of three to side of property. Trees are overcrowded and close to main building.
DC/16/4922/TCA |
No objections |
Spindrift, Lodge Road |
Erection of new dwelling to rear of Spindrift sharing existing driveway
DC/16/4406/FUL |
Permitted |
Greyroof, Millfield |
To reduce to previous pruning points, and reshape 2no silver birch to side of house. - Greyroof Millfield Road Walberswick Suffolk IP18 6UD
DC/16/4863/TCA |
No objections |
Seacroft, Millfield |
T1 Eucalyptus - to be re-pollarded. T2 and T3 Beech - to be felled leaving remaining Beech room to fully mature.
DC/16/4833/TCA |
No objections |
Fishing Hut 5, Ferry Road |
Non Material Amendment of DC/15/3870/FUL - Rebuilding of fishing hut - Revised drawings and materials
DC/16/4985/AME |
Permitted |
Marshway, Leveretts Lane |
Two sycamore trees to be felled on the easterly boundary of property
DC/16/4616/TCA |
No objections |
Saltlick, Leveretts Lane |
Remove 15 trees and shrubs to be replaced with native species.
DC/16/4616/TCA |
No objections |
Admiral House, The Street |
This application is a retrospective householder application for the erection of 4 No. walls on land adjacent the highway
DC/16/3697/FUL |
Permitted |
Hidden House, The Green |
1 x Eucalyptus Coppice - 1 x Sycamore reduce by max 30% and side back
DC/16/4275/TCA |
No objections |
Te Awahou |
Addition of a single storey breakfast room and loggia. Replacement of the hanging to attic dormer with lime based render (painted)
DC/16/4050/FUL |
Permitted |
Admiral House, The Street (formerly Sou'Wester) |
To fell - Elm, Pittosporum, Yew and Holm Oak. Coppice - Elm.
DC/16/3865/TCA |
No objection |
Millcroft, Millfield |
To fell Eucalyptus on western boundary.
DC/16/3811/TCA |
No objection |
3 Adams Lane |
Dorma on front elevation
DC/16/3498/FUL |
Refused |
3 Millstones, Millfield |
Erection of a porch extension (Re submission of DC/16/1539/FUL)
DC/16/3494/FUL |
Permitted |
Longwood, Churchfield |
Erection of 2 dwellings (demolition of existing)
DC/16/3222/FUL |
Withdrawn |
White Barn, Leveretts Lane
Property renamed Northfields Hall
Alterations and extensions
APP/040/2016 |
Dismissed |
The Anchor, The Street |
Demolition of existing (rear facing) bathroom and erection of replacement bathroom. Re-submission of previous application C/11/1282.
DC/16/2659/FUL |
Permitted |
Sandlings, Palmers Lane |
Removal of projecting dormers to north elevation, recladding the building and construction of rear extension and new aluminium windows / doors throughout.
DC/16/2781/FUL |
Permitted |
Mallards & Mirna, Manor Close |
Variation of Condition 2 on Planning Permission
Permitted |
1 Anchor Cots, The Street |
Creation of new vehicular access
DC/16/2678/FUL |
Permitted |
8 Church Lane |
Two storey side extension
DC/16/2596/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Church Lane |
Remove parking, stores and sheds and replace with garage and general store, vehicular turning and off-street parking
DC/16/2574/FUL |
Permitted |
Sole Bay House, The Street |
Erection of garage / cycle store - change to approved details
DC/15/0069/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Concord Cottage, The Green |
Details as required by condition 3 of Planning Consent
DC/16/2598/DRC |
Permitted |
House on the Green |
Proposed retention of existing summer house
DC/16/1739/FUL |
Permitted |
1 Anchor Cots, The Street |
Creation of new vehicular access
DC/16/1791/FUL |
Refused |
Greengates, The Street |
To crown reduce Holm Oak by up to 30% and crown lift to up to 4m.
DC/16/2312/TCA |
Permitted |
3 Millstones, Millfield Rd. |
Porch Extension
DC/16/1539/FUL |
Refused |
Concord Cottage, The Green |
Proposed single storey side elevation extension (Utility,WC). Proposed single storey rear elevation extensiion to existing garden room (Sun room).
DC/16/0686/FUL |
Permitted |
The Old Rectory, The Street |
Construction of new dwelling
DC/16/1133/FUL |
Refused |
The Anchor, The Street |
To reduce Beech behind road frontage out building to 4m.
DC/16/1475/TCA |
Permitted |
Land to the read of Marshway, Leveretts Lane |
To fell ivy covered Scots Pine with basal wound caused by poor cutting of ivy.
DC/16/1401/TCA |
Permitted |
The Stables, The Street |
To construct a dual pitched roof over an existing single pitched open bay outbuilding.
DC/16/0369/FUL |
Permitted |
The Stables, The Street |
To construct a dual pitched roof over an existing single pitched open bay outbuilding
DC/16/0370/LBC |
Permitted |
House on the Green |
Proposed Replacement Windows and New Canopy
DC/16/1036/FUL |
Permitted |
The Stables, The Street |
To construct a new building in the grounds of the property adjacent to the existing tennis courts.
DC/16/0756/FUL |
Withdrawn |
1 Ivy Cottage, The Street |
To fell False Accacia tree in rear garden.
DC/16/0804/TCA |
Permitted |
Holly Cottage, The Street |
To fell 2no. Leylandii in rear garden; risk of damage to boundary wall, excess shading.
DC/16/0767/TCA |
Permitted |
Marsh Way, Leveretts Lane |
To reduce 1no. Bay tree by 25% To reduce 1no. Yew by 33% To remove deadwood from Elder tree. To fell 2no. Silver Birch showing poor growth, and to allow space for new planting
DC/16/0858/TCA |
Permitted |
Saltlick, Leveretts Lane |
To fell a self-seeded sycamore that is growing too near to an oak tree and badly affecting the canopy of the oak tree.
DC/16/0304/TCA |
Permitted |
Westons, The Street |
Single oak tree. excessive shade in neighbour's garden (No.3 Manor Close). proposal is for crown reduction of 5 metres back to old pollard points
DC/16/0685/TCA |
Permitted |
White Barn, Leveretts Lane |
Replacement garage building
DC/16/0602/FUL |
Permitted |
White Barn, Leveretts Lane |
Alterations and extensions
DC/16/0601/FUL |
Refused |
Kermont, The Street |
To remove 2no Elder trees
DC/16/0522/TCA |
Permitted |
Walber House, Leveretts Lane |
A very large pine in the rear garden of the house by the border with The House on the Green; tree to be felled on safety grounds.
C/16/0208/TCA |
Permitted |
Millcroft, Millfield |
To fell Scots Pine at drive entrance, and replant with 2 new trees.
DC/15/4574/TCA |
Permitted |
Nightingales, Churchfield |
Rear conservatory
DC/15/4575/PNH |
Not needed |
The Old Tea Rooms, The Green |
T1 - Horse Chestnut, reduce and shape by approximately 25%.
DC/15/4133/TCA |
Permitted |
White Barn, Leveretts Lane |
13 trees to be felled and 3 trees to be reduced
DC/15/4063/TCA |
Permitted |
Fishing Hut 5, Ferry Road |
Rebuilding of fishing hut
DC/15/3870/FUL |
Permitted |
The Courtyard, Leveretts Lane |
Retention of storage shed
DC/15/3982/FUL |
Permitted |
Te Awahou, Millfield Road |
T1 Chamaecyparis conifer behind garage: to prune back broken out branch and reduce tree profile by up to 1m. all round. T2 Purple plum on frontage: to be felled, causing exces shading.
DC/15/3784/TCA |
Permitted |
Village Hall, The Street |
To crown reduce by 40% 4no. Silver Birch to front of Village Hall.
DC/15/3728/TCA |
Permitted |
Taystone House, Ferry Road |
Three single storey extensions
DC/15/3747/FUL |
Permitted |
The Spinners, Lodge Road |
To construct shed and log store attached to existing garage
DC/15/3579/FUL |
Permitted |
The House on The Green |
Proposed external alterations to fenestration on rear elevation.
DC/15/3563/FUL |
Permitted |
Wayland Cottage, The Street |
Macrocarpa conifer - to be felled because early signs of main stem decay
DC/15/3430/TCA |
Permitted |
The Beeches, Millfield Road |
T1 To fell Sycamore because of excess shading. T2 Holm Oak, to crown lift up to 4m. T3 Beech, to crown lift by up to 4m.
DC/15/3401/TPO |
Permitted |
Briar Cottage, The Green |
To fell Lime tree adjacent to conservatory
DC/15/2854/TCA |
Permitted |
Crestholme, The Lea |
Internal renovation of the existing detached house including a new dormer. Extension of the existing 2 storey flank addition. Demolition and rebuilding of the existing porch.
DC/15/2918/FUL |
Permitted |
Windmill Cottage, Millfield Road |
T1 Maple 30% crown reduction T2 Holly 50% crown reduction T3 Cherry 30% crown reduction T4 Silver Birch 30% crown reduction T5 Plum 30% crown reduction T6 Mulberry 30% crown reduction
DC/15/2249/TCA |
Permitted |
The House on the Green |
Option A Pine in rear garden - To fell, causes excess shade, too large for domestic garden, low amenity value. Option B Pine in rear garden, if felling unacceptable, then major crown reduction requested. 2no. Apple tree, very poor condition, to be felled.
Permitted |
Co-Op, The Street |
To replace the existing fascia signage with new and to include the new company logo
DC/15/2114/ADN |
Permitted |
Millfield House, Millfield Road |
2no. Holm Oaks - to lift crons to 4m. because of excess shading.
DC/15/2137/TCA |
Permitted |
Nightingales, Churchfield |
To remove two front kitchen windows and replace with one 2.1mm x 10.50mm. Replace redland delta roof tiles, with sandtoft 20-20 - colour. Tuscan or Actua Burgundy.
DC/15/2424/AME |
Permitted |
Seaspray, Millfield Road |
T1, T2 - Holm Oaks, felle, storm damaged, diseased T3, T4 - Holly, Reduce to height of adjacent hedge T5 - Prune to reduce overhang over garage T7-T12 Holly - To removed T5-T12 Holly - Option to coppice and grow as hedge also notified T13-T15 Bullace - Reduce to 1.5m and grow as hedge T16 Pine - Either to remove dead and dying limbs, or option to fell tree T17 - Reduce crown by 30-50%
DC/15/2258/TPO |
Permitted |
Orchard House, The Street |
20% crown reduction to Eucalyptus in side garden.
DC/15/2211/TCA |
Permitted |
Seacroft, Millfield Road |
T1 Holly, reduce to allow to grow as hedge T2 and T3 Holm Oaks, crown lift to 3.5m to allow vehicles to use drive
DC/15/1792/TCA |
Permitted |
Mallards and Mirna, Manor Close |
Demolition of two houses and construction of three new dwellings each with garage, gardens and access from existing private drive.
DC/15/1756/FUL |
Permitted |
Springfield, The Lea |
T1 Apple tree: Fell T2 Eucalyptus: Crown reduction
DC/15/1604/TCA |
Permitted |
Spindrift, Lodge Road |
Separate the existing garage and erect a new two storey dwelling to the North of Spindrift
APP/019/2015 |
Seacroft, Millfield Road |
To crown lift and crown thin Holm Oak in front garden
DC/15/1345/TCA |
Permitted |
Land rear of Dickon House, The Street |
Non-material amendment of C/13/1165 - Erection of new 3 bed single storey dwelling and garage.
DC/15/1563/AME |
Permitted |
West Wood, Lodge Road |
To fell Larch causing excessive shading to neighbour's property
DC/15/1373/TCA |
Permitted |
Adjacent to Landing Stage W25 Southwold Harbour, Walberswick side, Ferry Road |
Installation of new 48m visitor pontoon - New Pontoon
DC/15/1260/RG3 |
Withdrawn |
Nightingales, Churchfield |
Garage extension and internal alterations.
DC/15/0730/FUL |
Permitted |
Concord Cottage, The Green |
Erection of single storey timber clad garden room to be used as a hobby room
DC/15/0952/CLE |
Permitted |
Tows Cabin, Ferry Road |
Retention of air source heat pump, timber fencing on front and side boundaries, timber wall enclosing heat pump & timber sleepers marking part of northern boundary. Erection of 3 X No. Vertical timber posts and garden shed. Provision of timber decking to rear garden
DC/15/0800/FUL |
Permitted |
Sole Bay House, The Street |
Demolition of existing garage and sun room, erection of orangery and new garage - ancilliary work
DC/15/0069/FUL |
Permitted |
Mallards and Mirna, Manor Close |
2no. replacement dwellings and erection of 1no. dwelling
DC/14/4241/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Bon Air, The Lea |
To fell 1 No. Chamaecyparis following storm damage To fell 1 No. small Scots Pine overcrowding neighbouring pine, To crown reduce retained pine and balance, reducing branches overhanging neighbour
DC/14/3836/TCA |
Permitted |
Spindrift, Lodge Road |
Separate the existing garage and erect a new two storey dwelling to the North of Spindrift
DC/14/3916/FUL |
Benwrights The Street |
Extension to workshop and conversion to self contained annex
DC/14/3703/FUL |
Permitted |
Mercer's Hall, The Street |
To fell overgrown strawberry tree in front garden. To be replaced with similar species.
DC/14/3577/TCA |
Permitted |
Old Post Office Cottage (1 Norland Cottage), Ferry Road |
Rear extension on ground floor to kitchen.
DC/14/3764/FUL |
Permitted |
Pyghtle, The Street |
Ash Tree, beside garage, remove deadwood, remove lower canopy branches to reduce risk of storm damage.
DC/14/3399/TCA |
Permitted |
Threeways, The Street |
To raise canopies of 2No Holm Oaks to 4.5m
DC/14/3553/TPO |
Permitted |
Poppy Cottage 12 Church Lane |
Extension to existing property and new garden building to be used as home office
DC/14/3426/FUL |
Permitted |
Blyth Reach The Street |
Replacement of existing studio building. Replace with timber constructed single storey garden studio including granny annex.
DC/14/3249/FUL |
Permitted |
The Old School Leveretts Lane |
Proposed two-storey rear extension. To replace approved proposal ref DC/14/1948/FUL.
DC/14/2704/FUL |
Permitted |
Tows Cabin Ferry Road |
1. Ground bearing Oak beam north boundary to mark formal boundary 200 x 300mm 2. Fencing north/east boundary - 1500mm. Feather edge boarding and chain link 3. Fence south/west boundary - 1500mm. feather edge boarding 4. ASHP south/west of building.
DC/14/3251/AME |
Withdrawn |
Heathwold Palmers Lane |
T1 Horse Chestnut. To coppice tree suffering fungal decay and bacterial canker T2 Horse Chestnut. Crown reduction by 4m and deadwood, also fungus and canker infected.
DC/14/3152/TCA |
Permitted |
The Gables Millfield Road |
To reduce height of Lime Tree by front gate by 50%, for safety reasons.
DC/14/3041/TPO |
Permitted |
Coopers Thatch Leveretts Lane |
To reduce and reshape by up to 30% Cherry Tree as too large for garden space.
DC/14/2785/TCA |
Permitted |
Spindrift, Lodge Road |
Proposed loft conversion to include 1 No. front dormer and 2 No. rear dormers. (Re-submission)
APP/070/2014 |
Allowed with conditions |
The Pump House, The Green |
Extension of building to provide work live unit Revised scheme to C13/0258).
APP/075/2014 |
Heath House Palmers Lane |
To crown lift 2No. Holm Oaks to improve access and lift off hedge To prune Yew to allow access along path
DC/14/2554/TCA |
24 Sep 2014 |
Blyth Barton Palmers Lane |
Proposed single storey and rear extension with balcony over.
DC/14/2270/FUL |
Permitted |
The Gables Millfield Road |
To fell Lime Tree in front garden.
DC/14/2272/TCA |
Refused |
The Old School, Leveretts Lane |
Erection of single-storey extension comprising bedroom and bathroom.
DC/14/1948/FUL |
Permitted |
Enforcement Enquiry
EN/08/0264 |
Notice issued |
Enforcement Enquiry
EN/08/0305 |
Notice issued |
PLANNING APPEAL Improvements to existing access to existing caravan and camping site, and change of use to allow expansion of existing site to accommodate a maximum of ten touring caravans for holiday use (partly retrospective)
APP/043/2014 |
White Beam 12 Manor Close |
Application to vary condition 2 of planning consent C12/2387 (Extension to side of property (south west), change garage flat roof to pitched tiled roof, P.V solar panels to south elevation of main roof.) to allow for use of painted Hardiplank cladding.
DC/14/1781/VOC |
Permitted |
Pembroke Cottage The Street |
Details as required by condition 3 of planninng permission consent
DC/13/2740/FUL |
Permitted |
5 The Terrace The Street |
Removal of existing summerhouse and replacement
DC/14/1390/FUL |
Permitted |
5 The Terrace The Street |
To remove fornt limb of Multistem tree on rear garden behind Summer House over overhanging limbs to be pruned back to boundary.
DC/14/1391/TCA |
Permitted |
Marsh End Ferry Road |
Replacement Windows
DC/14/1312/FUL |
Permitted |
Tows Cabin Ferry Road |
Non material amendment of C/12/2171 - Erection of two-storey dwelling (existing dwelling and wc building to be demolished) - Glazing of gable end on east elevation, addition of 1 rooflight, change from solar heaters to PV panels and insetting of windows.
DC/14/1303/AME |
Permitted |
Spindrift Lodge Road |
Proposed loft conversion to include 1 No. front dormer and 2 No. rear dormers. (Re-submission)
DC/14/1241/FUL |
Refused |
Longshore The Street |
T1 Eucalyptus - crown lift to 3 metres T2 Corsican Pine - crown lift to 3 metres and crown reduce 2 - 3 metres T3 and T4 White Poplar - remove co-domminant stem and balance crowns T5 Pear Tree - deadwood T6 Pear Tree - dead, fell T7 Macrocarpa - fell following wind blow and stem lean T8 Poplar - reduce by 2m following storm windblow lean
DC/14/0981/TCA |
Permitted |
Coach House Palmers Lane |
Demolition of existing two-storey side extension and replacement with new two-storey extension; provision of new parking bay
DC/14/1087/FUL |
Permitted |
Beach View The Street |
Removal of existing stores and erection of a single storey extension
DC/14/0864/FUL |
Permitted |
Vine Cottage The Green |
Connect garage into entrance hall internal alterations with new bay windows, roof conversion, new dormers, demolish annexe and rebuild to two storey. Demolish and rebuild conservatory
This has been updated recently.
DC/14/0903/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Cloudcroft Stocks Lane |
Remove roof, raise pitch and construct new bedrooms shower and ensuite at second floor level.
DC/14/0709/FUL |
Permitted |
Spindrift Lodge Road |
Erection of rear single storey extension and loft conversion
DC/14/0581/FUL |
Permitted |
Land To Rear Of Rosemary Cottage The Street |
Residential redevelopment of existing vacant site to provide 5 residential dwellings (revised scheme to that previously permitted under ref:- C11/0375).
DC/14/0398/VLA |
01 Apr 2014 |
Tyra 24 Manor Close |
Provision of 3 new rooflights, 3 new windows and ground floor extension to rear
DC/14/0391/FUL |
Permitted |
Saltlick, Leveretts Lane |
To fell 1no. Cupressus Leylandii that overcrowds a beech hedge.
DC/14/0262/TCA |
Permitted |
Northdale The Street |
To fell 2 No dying Silver Birch to front of property.
DC/14/0303/TCA |
Permitted |
Poplar Cottage The Green |
To fell 1 No. Ash Showing signs of dieback. Replacement planting proposed.
DC/14/0261/TCA |
Permitted |
Landing Stage W14, Walberswick side |
Rebuild of existing mooring
DC/14/0128/FUL |
Permitted |
Landing Stage W14, Walberswick side |
Rebuilding of existing landing stage W14
DC/14/0149/FUL |
Permitted |
Todds Cottage Ferry Road |
To fell 1no Silver Birch causing damage to wall and building
DC/14/0135/TCA |
Permitted |
Dunwich View, The Green/td> |
Erection of single-storey wooden outhouse with pan tiled roof for use as a reading room and study.
DC/14/0109/FUL |
Permitted |
Mallards and Mirna, Manor Close |
-Demolition of (2No) two detached, 1980's built style houses and associated buildings and garages to allow the construction of two (2) replacement houses with attached garageing and one further (1) property (three(3) in total) with each property being individually styled and set within its own landscaped gardens, all accessed from existing private drive.
DC/14/0075/FUL |
Withdrawn |
Pine Lodge Caravans Hazel Lane Thorington Suffolk |
Temporary Consent (5 years) For the change of use of land to gypsy/traveller use and associated bore hole for independent water supply. Retention of existing concrete slab and chalet, conversion and landscaping of day room unauthorized through the planning system to storage with additional landscaping with improved access. Revised scheme of C/13/1210
DC/13/3708/FUL |
Refused |
Pembroke Cottage The Street |
Resubmission of DC/13/2740/FUL Demolition of existing rear extensions and erection of new extensions to the rear and new porch to the front elevation
DC/13/3736/FUL |
Permitted |
Old Farm Cottage The Street |
To fell 1no Corsican Pine - Too close to property, risk of structural damage.
DC/13/3668/TCA |
Permitted |
Lu Shan Millfield Road |
To reduce crown of Eucalyptus by 3-4m to previous cut points to avoid buildings contact.
DC/13/3242/TCA |
Permitted |
Letter to Ray Herring |
Combined Parish Council letter re Pine Lodge Thorington
Sunningdale The Street |
To fell Cupressus Macrocarpa with heavy lean for saftey reasons.
DC/13/3226/TPO |
Permitted |
Pembroke Cottage The Street |
Demolition of existing rear extensions and erection of new extensions to the rear and new porch to the front elevation.
DC/13/2740/FUL |
Withdrawn |
St Francis Seven Acres Lane |
Extension to existing dining room
DC/13/3018/FUL |
Permitted |
The Potters Wheel Tea Room And Restaurant The Green |
Crown lift to 2.5m Purple Plum for access Fell and replace 2no Monterey Cypress on safety grounds.
DC/13/2782/TCA |
Permitted |
Orchard House The Street |
Erection of summerhouse in rear garden within the curtilage of a listed building.
DC/13/2755/LBC |
Permitted |
Orchard House The Street |
Erection of summerhouse in rear garden within the curtilage of a listed building.
DC/13/2754/FUL |
Permitted |
2 Marsh End Ferry Road |
Erection of replacement windows.
DC/13/2709/FUL |
Permitted |
3 The Terrace The Street |
Conversion of existing loft to bedroom including the insertion of two conservation roof lights.
DC/13/2574/FUL |
Permitted |
The Old Chapel The Street |
Proposed creation of terrace to rear of property and alterations.
DC/13/2562/FUL |
Permitted |
Short Lane House Short Lane |
Single storey extension to front; 1st floor extension over existing single storey, flat roof wing
DC/13/2362/FUL |
Permitted |
Heath Cottage Palmers Lane |
Replacement Garage
DC/13/2364/FUL |
Permitted |
The Pump House The Green |
Extension of building to provide work live unit Revised scheme
C13/0258 |
Refused |
Part Side Garden Sou Wester The Street |
Erection of a pair of dwellings.
DC/13/2158/FUL |
Refused |
Land To Rear Of Rosemary Cottage The Street Walberswick Suffolk |
Details as required by conditions 7, 12 and 16 of Planning Permission
C12/2346 |
Permitted |
Tows Cabin Ferry Road |
Details as required by conditions 4 and 6 of Planning Permission
C12/2171 |
Sun 22 Sep 2013 |
Change of use of land to gypsy / traveller use, retention of existing concrete slab and chalet and conversion and landscaping of day room unauthorized through the planning system to storage with additional landscaping
C/13/1210 |
Refused |
Improvements to existing access to existing caravan and camping site, and change of use to allow expansion of existing site to accommodate a maximum of ten holiday caravans (partly retrospective)
C/13/1208 |
Refused |
Erection of new 3 bed single storey dwelling and garage.
C/13/1165 |
Permitted |
Replace flat roof with pitch roof to existing building to forecourt area.
C/13/1051 |
Permitted |
Proposed external alteration (cladding) to annex and creation of dormer window to second floor, front elevation.
C/13/0620 |
Permitted |
Provision of a 4.39 MWp solar farm on agricultural fields covering 10.7 ha. Additional ancillary buildings including substation and transformer stations. Deer fencing with access track including change of use from agriculture to solar farm with agriculture
DC/13/0269/FUL Summary |
Permitted |
Demolish existing rear conservatory and erect replacement extension and balcony. New dormers to front roof slope, new windows to west gable and a new porch.
C/13/0559 |
Permitted |
Replacement of existing 30 degree roof with new 45 degree roof including dormer windows and Velux roof lights to add habitable room to roof space.
C/13/0501 |
Withdrawn |
External Alterations including roof extension, bay addition, new dormer, veranda, replacement of pantiles with slates and re-cladding of walls with painted boarding.
C/13/0509 |
Permitted |
Extension of building to provide work live unit.
C/13/0258 |
Withdrawn |
Details as required by conditions 6 and 7 of Planning Permission C11/0240. Archaeological report already submitted by applicants.
C/12/2593 |
Compliance with conditon |
Single story flat roof extension. Clad existing property in painted timber weatherboard. Replace existing green house. New dormer on the rear elevation. Veranda along the front.
C/12/2572 |
Granted |
Extension to side of property (south west), change garage flat roof to pitched tiled roof, P.V solar panels to south elevation of main roof.
C/12/2387 |
Granted |
Partial demolition & construction of new extension
C/12/2378 |
Granted |
Extension to existing out-building to be used for storage.
C/12/2353 |
Granted |
Land to side and rear of Rosemary Cottage and former Waveney Lodge (Kingfisher/Moonfleet), The Street |
Residential redevelopment of existing vacant site to provide 5 residential dwellings (revised scheme to that previously permitted under ref:- C11/0375).
C/12/2346 |
not yet decided |
Application of traditional painted wooden feather boarding to extension on cottage.
C/12/2050 |
Granted |
Erection of two-storey dwelling (existing dwelling and wc building to be demolished).
C/12/2171 |
Granted |
Erection of two-storey dwelling (existing dwelling and WC building to be demolished).
C/12/2172 |
Granted |
Demolition of existing kitchen and extension of kitchen and studio above.
C/12/2085 |
Granted |
Details as required by Conditions 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 of planning permisison C10/1739
C/12/1868 |
Permitted |
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission C11/0240 - revisions to approved scheme.
C/12/1173 |
Granted |