July News



Only 20 days to go before the Horticultural and Culinary Show at the Village Hall.

Here are 20 suggestions for a 'to do' list-

  1. Remember that you do not have to be a gardener to enter the Show. It is as much about baking as growing.
  2. Why not choose a minimum of three categories from either or both horticulture and culinary?
  3. For those entering any of the Horticultural categories walk around your garden, courtyard or allotment with the schedule close at hand and see what you could enter.
  4. If you already have pot plants check the size of the pots....If you don't have anything already in a pot it's not too late to plant one up. Cactus, Orchids, Pelargoniums and Geraniums all have categories.
  5. Search for annuals in the garden- something sown this year. Just 5 stems are needed and they can be of one or more variety.
  6. Nearer the time, if you haven't got them to hand, buy something for the Flower and Foliage Arrangement categories. Check the schedule for the requirements. Dimensions of the finished arragement are the most important thing.
  7. Make sure you know how to tie your onions! Lots of tutorials on Youtube!
  8. Choose a watering can to fill with an arrangement.
  9. On the Culinary side of things and if you're pressed for time, everything you choose to enter can have been frozen.
  10. Practice makes perfect! Neighbours, friends, and family will be only too happy to act as guinea pigs!
  11. Check the sizes of the jars for anything you are planning to enter in the jams, chutneys and jellies categories.
  12. There is still time to make a cordial or relish.
  13. Persuade your children, grandchildren and any families with children visiting the village to enter the Junior Classes.
  14. Remember the age for entry has gone up to 16 and is divided into two age groups.
  15. They could start now by designing a poster for the 2025 show. It can be done in any medium, incluiding digital art.
  16. Sugggest they make some rice crispy cakes- very simple and quick to do.
  17. Encourage their imagination by creating a Face On A Plate composed of fruit and/or vegetables.
  18. Remember that all entries are anonymous.
  19. Check the schedule carefully. Judges will be looking for the over all effect and uniformity of your entry but also for compliance with the requirements in each category.
  20. Make a note of the timetable for the day. Leave plenty of time to enter and arrange your exhibits between 9.30 and 10.45. It always seems to take longer than you think it will.

Please come and support the Show. We can guarantee that you will enjoy it! You never know, you may go home with a clutch of certificates and if you do we can guarantee you will be back for more next year!

The schedule is available here on the website.

If you have friends and family staying bring them along for tea and cake at 3pm.