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The members of the Planning and Development Control working party include Paul Bradley, Frank Duffy, Alan Gomm, Alvin Hunt and John Nichols
4th June 2014
The recommendation to establish a Planning Advisory Group was approved in principle by the Parish Council at its May meeting. A report setting out the terms of reference of the group will be submitted for approval at the July meeting of the Parish Council.
17th April 2014
Other recommendations of the Stage 2 Report will be developed after discussion with the Parish Council including a review of the Conservation Area boundary, a survey of significant trees in the village and the establishment of an informal Planning Advisory Group to assist councillors in the assessment of planning applications.
The Planning Working Party submitted a comprehensive response to the draft appraisal of the Walberswick Conservation Area, published last summer by Suffolk Coastal District Council. The majority of our comments were incorporated in the final document which was approved by SCDC in December 2013. The revised appraisal will strengthen planning control in the Conservation Area.