Lionlink - update from Walberswick Parish Council (WPC)
Walberswick residents received a letter dated 2 September from Lionlink (LL) announcing that they would start their "ground investigations" including drilling and other ground works expected from end September. Around the same date, caravan site occupants were informed that LL would be setting up their camp and begin drilling in the middle of the caravan site on/around 18 September. These announcements obviously came as a shock given that there was no indication that East Suffolk District Council (ESDC) planning department had given permission. We were also aware that nearly 200 people and organisations had written to ESC to demonstrate why there was need for fuller environmental assessment before any "ground investigation" work could be done. We also know that Natural England expressed concerns about plans to drill boreholes on the beach.
WPC has gotten confirmation directly from ESDC planning as well as through Cllr David Beavan, that the LL application is still under consideration and no decision has yet been taken. Therefore, it is our understanding that LL lacks the approvals that they need to proceed at this time.
WPC resolved at its meeting on 9 September to write to ESDC to express our concerns about the approach being taken by NGV in writing to residents announcing the start of activities for which they have no approval. We feel that this is an attempt to make the community feel that we are powerless to intervene with any plans that NGV has regardless of the impact on our precious environment and biodiversity nor on the health, lives and livelihoods of the people of Walberswick. We will ask ESDC to use its powers of enforcement to ensure that NGV does not proceed with any works for which they do not have permission and to be held to account with respect to any conditions or mitigations that may accompany any future permissions. We will also request transparency from ESDC Planning such that they are fully transparent about what role the views of Natural England and the nearly 200 organisations and people who wrote on the application are given in any decision that ESDC planning makes.
Walberswick Parish Council