WCLC - New Trustee

WCLC - New Trustee

WALBERSWICK COMMON LANDS CHARITY – PROPERTY TRUSTEEI am pleased to announce that Graham Humphrey has been appointed as Co-optative Trustee (appointed by the Trustees themselves) to take the lead rol...
New Defibrillator

New Defibrillator

WALBERSWICK COMMON LANDS CHARITY – DEFIBRILLATORParticularly in the summer months, the population of the Village is centred much more towards the beach and Dunwich River. To meet this need, the Cha...
Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW)

Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW)

Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000 REVIEW OF STATUTORY DIRECTIONS CONSULTATION NOTICE Prepared by Natural England 1. INFORMATION ABOUT THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION Access Authority: Re...
WCLC Annual Reports and Accounts

WCLC Annual Reports and Accounts

If you are interested in the Walberswick Common Lands Charity, who their Trustees are and how they receive and spend their money - Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2021 
WCLC - Property Trustee Vacancy

WCLC - Property Trustee Vacancy

The Charity has one final vacancy to fill by the end of the year. This is for a Co-Optative Trustee (appointed by the Trustees themselves) to succeed me. The Trustees would like to make an appointment...
WCLC - Annual Parish Meeting 2022

WCLC - Annual Parish Meeting 2022

The presentation by the Walberswick Common Lands Charity to the Annual Parish Meeting was made via video this year. If you were unable to attend the meeting and would like to see the presentation, you...
WCLC Trustee appointments

WCLC Trustee appointments

WALBERSWICK COMMON LANDS CHARITY – TRUSTEE APPOINTMENTS The Charity is going through a period of significant Trustee renewal, all of which I hope will position us strongly for the future. Last...
Ukrainian Refugees

Ukrainian Refugees

The Walberswick Common Lands Charity has received the very kind offer of accommodation for Ukrainian refugees within a Walberswick second-home. The owners have registered their interest at https:/...