The blue description links to the East Suffolk website where you can see all the documents currently available.


Site Description Application no.
Expiry date and 

Determination date 2024

Box Bush, Seven Acres Lane

Variation of Condition No.2 of DC/24/0416/LBC - Listed Building Consent - New dormer window, alterations to fenestration and internal layout, general repairs to existing fabric and insulation on external walls and roof - To alter the design of the new dormer 

DC/24/3894/VOC 5th December; 25th December
Bennett's Copse

1no. Macrocarpa (Tree on plan) - Remove weakened branches on South and North, fell remaining tree if deemed unsafe by Arborist. 

DC/24/3697/TCA 6th November; 26th November
Admiral House, The Street

Variation of Condition No's 1, 3, 5 and 6 of DC/22/4246/FUL - Outdoor swimming pool & retrospective fencing - Implement a smaller pool and relocate to a new position, provide a Written Scheme of Investigation, proposed inverter heat pump and filtration pump and details on proposed plant room 

DC/24/3370/VOC 25th October; 13th November
Long Roof, Leveretts Lane

Variation of Condition No.2 of DC/24/0671/FUL - Client request to reduce the size of the proposed extension. To substitute approved drawing numbers 6486-1, 6486-2A for 6486-4, 6486-5 and 6486-6 

DC/24/3186/VOC 24th October; 11th November
Herons, Church Field

Replace existing dwelling with new sustainable dwelling and landscaped gardens 

DC/24/1242/FUL 22nd May; 29th May; 3rd October;